Chapter 2: It started with flowers

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I wake up with a massive headache and a dry mouth. I groan, the consequences are definitely more severe now than when I was in high school. But then I remember how happy I was with my friends and how I got to meet Scarlett at the end of the night. The groan turns into a smile. The hangover is absolutely worth it.

I push myself out of bed and walk to the bathroom. I wash and prepare myself for breakfast before making my way to the main house.

My parents are in the dining area when I arrive. They beam at me, seeing me for the first time since I came home the day before.

"My baby!" Mom says, standing up from her seat to hold me. "You're finally home!"

I return her hug before pulling away to greet my dad. He is sitting on his usual seat but he pushes his chair back when I bend down to kiss his cheek.

"How was your night out?" Mom asks as she returns to her place on our dining table. I take my own seat across from her.

"Exhausting but it was the most fun I had in a while. What time did you get home last night?"

"At around nine. Your dad got here later."


Dad nods. "We're almost finished though, so expect to be spending a lot of time with me afterwards."

I chuckle. "Of course. What movie are you doing again? The action film?"


"Who's starring in it?"


"Which one?" I laugh. "There's a lot of Chrises in the industry."

He laughs too, realizing that I'm right. "It's Chris Hemsworth."

"Oh. Cool."

We continue talking about everything we've missed over the last few years since I last visited. What movies dad did that had been nominated for awards and which actors were the easiest to work with. What the politics is like at the hospital that mom works in and why she's a bit reluctant to accept a promotion. I tell them how many artworks I've sold since my last gallery and how happy I was to have been invited as a guest speaker in an art school.

It's when Mom is sharing a story of how she almost lost a patient when Carmen appears with an arrangement of flowers. We all look up at her as she enters the dining room.

"(Y/N), these beautiful flowers are for you."

My eyebrows shoot up in surprise. For me? Who would be sending me flowers? They certainly aren't from my ex.

"Is there a card?" I ask.

"I believe there is."

Carmen places the arrangement on the counter. I stand up from my place to check the card. It says, "Thank you for driving me home last night - Scarlett"

I beam as my heart suddenly skips a beat. She didn't have to but I highly appreciate the gesture. The smile on my face makes my parents more than intrigued.

"Well? Who is it from?" My dad asks.

"Scarlett. It's a thank you for driving her home last night."

My mom's face suddenly turns mischievous, her tone dripping with insinuation when she says, "Oh? You drove Scarlett Johansson home last night?"

"Her car broke down and her driver wasn't picking up her calls, and I know that she lives nearby so I offered."

My dad smirks, sporting the same teasing look that my mother has on her face. "I knew we raised a gentlewoman!"

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