For Reasons We Don't Speak Of

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I don't know what the Hades Chiron was thinking, letting Percy and I go on a quest together. Now. I have no problem with him anymore. We still squabble and fight all the dam time, but we're practically siblings at this point. Even as a hunter, I don't mind his unfortunate existence as a boy.

But gods was he annoying sometimes.

And gods did we get so many dam monsters!

I mean, TWO Big Three kids? Chiron was practically ASKING for us to die.

So after we were just attacked by one of Hades' furies that left us both bloodied and bruised, we were both effectively lost. We completed the quest and were trying to get back to camp when we got attacked. Percy looked like crap, but definitely a lot better than me.

One of the fury's talons raked itself against my abdomen, making me bleed like crazy. Percy had given me whatever little ambrosia and nectar left (which is honestly what I love about Percy the most: he was literally so injured and hurt too, but didn't take a single bite of the godly food; he gave everything to me). It wasn't enough to fix me, but it slowed down the bleeding.

"Okay, you are NEVER to speak of this again!" I grumbled roughly, making Percy smirk a little bit. "But I'm going to need you to carry me."

I knew I looked pretty bad when Percy didn't even joke. He swung my arm over his neck and gently helped me stand up, with a serious expression on his face.

"Are you okay walking or do you want me to actually carry-carry you?" he asked.

"Let's walk for now, but I'll need you to actually carry me once it starts getting worse, okay?"

"Yeah okay," he replied. We struggled to move forward together, but there was just one tiny little detail.

We were very much lost.

We were in New Jersey, I knew that much. Where we were in New Jersey, I had no idea. We were following some trail thing that I learned from the Hunters, when the fury completely knocked us off course. And I don't have the strength to draw upon that power and create a new trail.

So we were stuck stumbling around like bleeding idiots.

I knew it was rough on Percy. He had a nasty gash on his arm that bled profusely and he didn't have any bandages or medicine to even help with the general ache after defeating a monster.

"Woah there Percy," I muttered. "I think you forgot to crash into that rock back there."

He just rolled his eyes and continued to awkwardly drag me forward to wherever we were.

"Now's not the time Thals," he shot back, trying to keep his voice light, but I heard the strain in his voice.

I stopped complaining after that.

All of a sudden, I couldn't tell whether this was just because I was starting to get delirious or not, but I started to recognize this place.

"Wait! Percy! I think I know where we are!" I said, my voice starting to slur a bit. "I remember being here when me, Annabeth, and Luke ran away from our homes! There's a safe house around here."

"Wait, really? That's good, do you remember where it is?"

"I need you to read me all the signs you see, cuz I can't see anything, my vision is starting to blur. If I can get a hold of our location, I can find the little safe cave thing we made and we can hang out there and heal till we have to go back to camp."

Percy started to look a little uncomfortable, but nodded, knowing that this was our best bet of making it back to camp in one piece and with all of our limbs.

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