I Wish I Could Have Been There

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Poseidon POV

Percy and I were sitting together, on the shore of the beach, just staring into the sunset. I saw him sitting there, all by himself, and decided to just stop staring from afar and be the father that I deprived him of all these years.

"I wish you were there. I know you couldn't have been, but I wish you were there," he told me, sounding horribly dejected and sad. I hated how well he had to accept the fact that his father just couldn't be there in his life. I would have loved to have been there when he was a kid. I loved to keep track of his achievements, even from under the sea.

"I wish I was there as well. I am sorry," I said, apologizing to him. He just snorted.

"Well that's not something you hear every day. A god apologizing to a mortal," Percy just blurted out, his voice sounding sarcastic and slightly irritated. I frowned at the tone of his voice, but I knew he was just being truthful. We were silent for some time. I diverted my mind into messing around with the waves.

"Did you even know?" he asked me. Percy just stared at me, as if daring me to respond. His sea green eyes, that he takes after me, were swarming with anticipation. "Did you even know what went on in our home?"

"Not in the apartment, no, but I used to send people all the time to watch you and report back to me."

Percy didn't say anything after that, but just frowned at my answer, as if displeased.

"I do not understand—" I started to say, before he just cut me off.

"You didn't know," he just murmured, as if something had just struck him and filled him with confusion and amazement. "All this time I thought you knew and you just didn't care. But you just never knew!"

"Knew what, Percy? I don't get what you're talking about."

"I mean about Gabe, dad, the man that lived in my home before I came to camp."

"I do not know of this Gabe. I was under the impression that your mother was with Paul Blowfish now."

"Blofis," Percy just corrected. "And yes, that's true. But Gabe was there before Paul."

"Oh. I've never heard of him. Do you and him still keep in touch?"

"Oh gods no. Mom and I killed him," Percy said, matter of factly, as if he had not just admitted to murder.

"What? Percy! What are you saying?" I asked, in shock. I turned to fully look at the boy sitting beside me. He couldn't meet my eyes, but he looked weary and tired.

"Gabe was a bad man, dad. He liked to hurt my mom and I. After my first quest, when I killed Medusa and sent the head up to Olympus, we killed Gabe with the head you sent back."

I couldn't say anything because I was too surprised. This man, Gabe, or whatever, had hurt my family? He hurt Sally. He hurt my son? How could he have lived with himself! These were the two kindest people ever.

"Percy, I am truly sorry. I had no idea about Gabe. I did not know what he was doing to you both. Had I known, I would have gotten you out of there much sooner. I told Sally that—"

"Don't blame mom!" he cried out. I suddenly noticed that there were tears in his eyes. "She tried her best and was honestly the best mom I could have ever asked for."

"Oh Percy, I was not trying to say anything against her. Forgive me. I must go talk to my brother and ensure that this mortal scum is getting the worst punishment ever."

"No! Please don't go, dad. Just... be my dad for a minute," he pleaded. My posture softened and I looked at him, with nothing but love in my eyes.

"Okay Percy. I'm here for you," I just murmured, pulling my son in for a hug. I will not abandon him again.

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