Chapter 16: Echoes Of Memories

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Seungmin's voice carried a weight of solemn reminiscence as he began to recount the intricate tale of Y/N's past. Sitting across from her in the quiet of their home, he spoke with a gentle yet resolute tone, his words painting a picture of the tumultuous events that had shaped her early years.

"Y/N," Seungmin began, his gaze softening with memories long held close to his heart, "there are truths about your past that you deserve to know, secrets that have been hidden from you for far too long."

Y/N's eyes widened with curiosity as she listened intently, her heart fluttering with a mixture of anticipation and trepidation.

"Your parents," Seungmin continued, his voice tinged with sorrow, "were practitioners of dark magic, their souls consumed by a thirst for power and control. They sought to harness forces beyond their understanding, to bend them to their will at any cost."

Y/N's breath caught in her throat as she absorbed the weight of Seungmin's revelation, the pieces of her fragmented past beginning to fall into place.

"They believed you were the key," Seungmin explained, his expression filled with empathy, "the key to unlocking untold power hidden within your very being. They saw you not as their daughter, but as a means to an end, a pawn in their dangerous game of ambition."

A shiver ran down Y/N's spine as she grappled with the implications of Seungmin's words, the shadows of her past looming large in her mind.

"But fate had other plans," Seungmin continued, his voice soft yet filled with quiet resolve. "When the vampires intervened, when they put an end to your parents' reckless pursuits, they spared you from a fate worse than death."

Y/N's eyes widened with astonishment as Seungmin's tale unfolded before her, the pieces of her past slotting into place with each passing moment.

"You were taken from them," Seungmin said, his voice tinged with sadness, "taken under the care of the vampire authorities, who saw fit to send you to a human orphanage, far away from the darkness that had consumed your parents."

Tears welled in Y/N's eyes as she listened to Seungmin's words, her heart heavy with the weight of the truth he had revealed.

"But you were never truly alone," Seungmin said, his voice filled with quiet determination. "I watched over you from afar, ensuring that you had everything you needed to thrive, even as I remained hidden from your sight."

Y/N's breath caught in her throat as she realized the depth of Seungmin's commitment to her well-being, the warmth of gratitude swelling within her chest.

Tears streamed down Y/N's cheeks as she looked into Seungmin's eyes, her heart overflowing with a mixture of emotions. In that moment, she knew that she was not alone, that she had a brother who would stand by her side no matter the trials they faced .But there was something she wanted to ask..

"How do you know about me and my parents this well?" she asked out of increasing, yet pure curiousity.

Seungmin's gaze softened with a mixture of empathy and remorse as he met Y/N's inquisitive eyes. "I was a part of the law enforcement team," he confessed, his voice tinged with regret. "The team that caught your parents and put an end to their dangerous experiments."

Y/N's breath caught in her throat as she absorbed the weight of Seungmin's revelation, the pieces of her past falling into place with each passing word.

"I was there during their trial," Seungmin continued, his tone heavy with the burden of memory. "I witnessed firsthand the extent of their crimes, the depths of their depravity."

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