Chapter 8: Heir's Return

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In the vampire realm, an air of concern had swept through the community as news spread about the sudden closure of the mirror. The mirror, the lifeline connecting their world to the humans', had inexplicably shut its passage, leaving those who relied on it in a state of disquiet.

In Seungmin's absence, the members of Stray Kids gathered in his room, their worry etched across their faces. The sudden closure of the mirror had left them anxious, especially with Chan unaccounted for in the human world. Lee Know, with a furrowed brow, voiced the collective concern, "Where could Chan be? Why isn't he back?"

As they pondered the situation, a moment of uncertainty hung in the air. However, their apprehension was abruptly interrupted when, to their surprise, Chan emerged through Seungmin's mirror. The room, initially shrouded in worry, transformed into a mix of relief and curiosity.

Chan, seemingly unaffected by the ordeal, explained, "Hey, guys. Sorry for the unexpected entrance. The mirror just closed on me, but Seungmin and his sister helped me out. Looks like we've got a temporary glitch in our travel plans."

The initial tension dissolved into a collective exhale of relief, and the members, though still puzzled by the unusual turn of events, couldn't help but be grateful for Chan's safe return.

As Chan's mischievous entry startled Hyunjin, the unexpected fright triggered a chain reaction of chaos in Seungmin's room. Reacting on pure instinct, a startled Hyunjin threw a swift punch in the direction of the source of his surprise. However, in a classic case of mistaken identity, Han found himself in the line of Hyunjin's accidental punch.

With a yelp, Han stumbled backward, accidentally colliding with Felix, who was blissfully unaware of the impending chaos. In an attempt to dodge the unexpected collision, Felix instinctively swung around, accidently smacking Lee Know, who had the uncanny foresight to move just in time.

The domino effect continued as Lee Know's sidestep caused him to collide with Changbin, creating a chaotic cascade of limbs and laughter. Before anyone could comprehend the unfolding madness, they found themselves in a heap on the floor, a mixture of surprise, laughter, and a tangled mess of Stray Kids. In the midst of the chaos, Chan couldn't help but join in the laughter, realizing that the unexpected glitch had unexpectedly transformed into a moment of hilarious companionship.

As the Stray Kids gathered for lunch, the atmosphere was light-hearted, and the recent antics in Seungmin's room were still fresh in their minds. The mood was infectious, and even Changbin, known for his intensity, decided to add a touch of humor to the lunchtime.

"Oh, so now I'm Yongbok, am I?" I.N exclaimed, feigning mock offense with an exaggerated pout. "I didn't realize I had a secret spy name, Changbin. What's my mission today, Agent Yongbok?"

The rest of the group burst into laughter as Changbin, caught off guard, attempted to explain himself. "No, no, it was a mistake! I meant I.N. You know, simple slip of the tongue."

But I.N, refusing to let the opportunity for playful banter pass, continued his teasing. "Agent Yongbok reporting for duty, sir! I'll make sure to keep my spy missions a secret from now on."

Minho, seizing the opportunity to join in the fun, leaned in with a mischievous grin. "Agent Yongbok, your first mission, should you choose to accept it, is to covertly drown the real Yongbok in a sea of laughter and, oh, don't forget to replace Hyunjin's shampoo with bright green hair dye."

The group erupted into laughter, imagining the absurdity of the secret spy mission. I.N, still in his playful undercover persona, saluted with a grin. "Consider it done, Agent Minho. Operation Drown and Dye is a go!"

The absurdity of their fictional spy mission added a hilarious twist to their lunchtime antics, creating another memorable moment of camaraderie among the members of Stray Kids.

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