Chapter 4: BOOK HAVEN

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After Seungmin completed his morning meal, he addressed his companions, "Well, I must take my leave now."

"But why? You rarely join us and always leave early. Stay with us a bit longer," I.N urged Seungmin.

Seungmin responded, "You very well know why. I have left Y/n alone. I have to go; otherwise, I don't even know how many things I'll find broken in my house."

Chan interjected, "As you wish. But your next visit must be quick."

Minho added, "Yeah. You know it's not fun enough to annoy Chan hyung alone."

Seungmin smiled and reassured them, "Do not worry; I'll come back soon." He bid goodbye to his friends and headed toward his room.

In his room, Seungmin stood before a massive mirror. This mirror served as a portal, connecting the vampire realm to the human world. Only special mirrors, crafted centuries ago for this purpose, allowed vampires to traverse between realms. Seungmin's mirror had been given to him for the reason of his important travel.

Approaching the mirror, it transformed into a passage, enabling Seungmin to step into his room in the human world. After making sure no one had witnessed his entrance, he lay down on his bed to relax.

However, his moment of peace was disrupted by a loud crash emanating from downstairs. Seungmin sighed, realizing his sister, Y/N, was already causing chaos.

"Welcome home, Seungmo," he exclaimed with resignation. Proceeding downstairs, he found his sister cleaning up the remnants of a shattered vase.

Seungmin remarked, "An amazing way to start the day. Congratulations, Y/N."

Y/N retorted, "Oh shut up. I did not do it on purpose. It just slipped from my hands, okay."

Seungmin sighed, well aware that she would never admit breaking something. Shaking off the incident, he asked her about breakfast.

"Have you made breakfast?" he asked.

"Yeah. I was just coming to call you. Come take your seat," replied Y/N.

Seungmin settled at the table and inquired about the morning meal. Y/N informed him, "Pancakes and some fruit. Juice too. Hurry up; I have to go. It's time to open the store."

Y/N Kim worked as the owner of a bookstore named Book Haven. She loved reading books, and the store quickly gained popularity in the community. Seungmin, familiar with his sister's routine, finished his breakfast as she waited, knowing that if she left, he wouldn't eat properly.

"Do you need any help?" Seungmin offered before she headed out to the store.

"No, thanks. I'll be home by 8. Goodbye."

"Sure. See you later. Bye Y/N," he said.

Watching her leave, Seungmin's thoughts drifted to her past. He remembered when her parents were killed by vampires. It wasn't a straightforward case of mourning, though. They were practitioners of dark magic, trying to experiment on their daughter, which unintentionally led to chaos. The Vampires Law Enforcement Team caught and punished them.

Seungmin, then part of the new recruit team, in his final year, witnessed the trial. The young girl, just a baby at the time, was in the arms of a female member of the vampire team. Seungmin took her under his care, and the vampires decided to send her to a human orphanage, away from the supernatural complexities of their world.

Reflecting on this, Seungmin saw the dual nature of the vampire realm — enforcing laws while also showing compassion, especially to those innocently affected by dark, magical pursuits. The memory lingered, highlighting the complexity of their existence.

He agreed to let them send her to the orphanage, knowing it was safer for her there. Despite the physical distance, Seungmin remained a watchful guardian. He secretly provided her with essentials, leaving behind food, toys, clothes, and more.

As time passed, Seungmin saw her grow from a vulnerable child to a resilient teenager. Duty and her young age prevented him from bringing her home earlier. However, when she turned fifteen, Seungmin decided it was time to reveal himself.

Crafting a story of long-lost family ties, he visited the orphanage, posing as her brother seeking a reunion. She welcomed him warmly, unaware of the supernatural reality that surrounded her guardian.

Seungmin cared deeply for her, torn between paternal concern and brotherly love. Yet, an underlying worry nagged at him as he grappled with the impending revelation of his true identity. She remained oblivious to the existence of vampires and their realm, adding a layer of anxiety to his nightly struggles.

Pushing aside these concerns for the moment, Seungmin focused on the task at hand. Tomorrow, he had to go to the nearby city to fetch books for Y/N's bookstore. In this human world, his responsibilities extended beyond the supernatural, as he diligently procured books to enrich his sister's store. Balancing the demands of the vampire realm with earthly responsibilities required finesse.

After completing his evening routine, Seungmin put his dishes in the sink, their clinks echoing his contemplation. Retreating to his bedroom, a cozy space doubling as a personal library, he picked up a book and sank into his favorite chair, seeking solace in the written word, if only for a brief respite from the complexities that awaited him tomorrow.

Y/N raised the shutter of her bookstore and unlocked the door. Stepping inside, she walked to the counter and entered a small room behind it. There, she took off her coat, hung it up, and placed her purse on a wooden table near the window. Sitting down on a chair, she sighed as she looked at the boxes next to the table.

Sorting and shelving the books was on her to-do list for the day. Since she arrived early, Y/N started organizing the books and placing them on the shelves where they belonged. Once finished, she settled down behind the counter, taking out a novel from the drawer below. It was a vampire romance novel. And just like that, another ordinary day in her life began.

Later, after wrapping up her day and locking the store's shutter, Y/N walked home, gripping her novel tightly. Her journey was quiet and uneventful. Upon reaching home, she found Seungmin waiting for her

"I made dinner," he announced.

"How sweet of you. I was actually tired," she replied gratefully.

"Come sit," he offered, pulling out a chair for her.

They shared their meal, engaging in conversation. During dinner, Seungmin mentioned, "Hey, I have to tell you that tomorrow I'll go to the town to get the books, okay. Do you need anything from there?"

Y/N pondered for a moment but shook her head indicating a no.

"Alright. I'll go to sleep now, okay? Goodnight," he said, standing up and heading to his room upstairs.

"Goodnight," she responded.



This was long but the story is slowly progressing. Thanks for waiting. See you in the next chapter


Lyric Of The Day:


In this pure white paper, I picture you.


This pure white paper is dyed in your color.



Daily Reminder:

Don't cry. It hurts me. Wipe those tears away from your beautiful face. It's alright.


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