Chapter 3

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Zarkta slowly opened his eyes from inside the helmet to see himself fine. He looked around to see through the monitors that he ended up on a sand area. He makes his mecha fighter stand up and look around to see if any enemy is nearby, but he looks up the HUD's motion tracker to see no sign of enemy presence so he is safe for now. He gets out of a cockpit and jumps out, landing on the sand. He looked around everywhere for a moment.

Zarkta: So I'm in Africa. I'm pretty sure High Magistrate Varlak made it here. He already established the base so I have to find them. Knowing where I am, I may have entered an enemy territory.

He went back to his Sinanju Inquisitor and flew to search for his established base somewhere in a deserted area of Africa.


Back in Space, ZAFT Nazca-class destroyer (Le Creuset Team)

In the office, the leader of the team, Rau Le Creuset, sits behind the desk while Athrun, Nicol, and Dearka stand before him in military posture, facing their superior. He poses a question.

Rau Le Creuset: I would like to know what happened in the last battle.

Athrun clears his throat before responding.

Athrun: Well...

Nicol adds, "It's hard to explain, but we caught a glimpse of what appeared to be a very strange mobile suit."

Rau Le Creuset: A strange mobile suit?

Athrun continues, "Yes. We were focused on pursuing the Archangel when suddenly, this unknown hostile mobile suit appeared out of nowhere, destroying our units. When we tried to engage it, it dodged our beams quickly. Additionally, our Gundam systems were malfunctioning, and we suspect that this mysterious mobile suit may be the cause."

Rau Le Creuset: And it managed to defeat both of you?

Athrun confirms, "Yes, sir."

Dearka thinks to himself, "Strange mobile suit? I wonder where it comes from and what it's doing out there in the battle."

Rau Le Creuset ponders, "Then it seems like it's affecting our technological systems on this ship while we're focused on combat against the Earth Alliance. Tell me, do you think it's Gundam?"

Athrun responds, "I... I don't think it's a Gundam."

Dearka: Huh?

He was confused, looking at Athrun.

Athrun: When I caught even a glimpse of that mobile suit, it didn't resemble any Gundam models. There's no way something like that could just destroy every mobile suit in a matter of seconds.

Dearka: Hold on! Just a second to wipe out our boys!? Mobile suits?

Nicol: Dearka, how could you not know? You were there, focused on engaging the enemy Gundams when that unknown mobile suit appeared out of nowhere.

Dearka: Sorry, I couldn't see anything when my screen started to scramble like it was being jammed or something. He shrugged, trying to defend himself.

Dearka: Though aside from that, how's Yzak anyway?

Rau Le Creuset: He's still recovering. As for his Gundam, he lost his right arm and it's more damaged than ever before, so it needs to be repaired before he can operate it again.

Dearka: Man, I feel like whatever that thing did to him, it hurt Yzak's pride just like an injury on his eye.

Dearka chuckles, but Athrun turns his head around, glaring at him, telling him to shut up. Rau Le Creuset speaks again.

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