Chapter 2

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Varlak's elite small fleet has entered the area outside the PLANT Colonies through the Quantum Warp Hyperdrive. They conceal themselves by activating cloaking devices to move easily without being seen by others.

As they navigate through space towards their destination, which is Earth where they plan to establish their base, Dark Inquisitor Zarkta enters the bridge room to find High Magistrate Varlak looking out into space through the windshield. Varlak notices the arrival of the Dark Inquisitor and says,

Varlak: Dark Inquisitor. What is it you wish to speak to me?

Zarkta: High Magistrate, sir, I wish to upgrade my mecha fighter to have more firepower as well as the need for weapons to destroy the enemy.

Varlak: You want an upgrade for a one-shot kill only? Hm, sure. I'll have a chief engineer see if he can upgrade your mecha fighter. Although I wonder why you need it?

Zarkta: In case we're fighting against any stronger opponent, and we must always be ready. Also, my mecha fighter must resemble the Darthstriker model so that it's capable of destroying enemies using shock and awe in high-speed maneuvers.

Varlak: Duly noted. The Chief Engineer will know your request.

Salvatian navy officer: High Magistrate!

A navy officer said to him.

Varlak: What is it?

Salvatian navy officer: We've got multiple contacts ahead. It identifies both Earth Alliance and ZAFT engaging in battle right above the Earth.

Varlak: Show me.

The screen zooms in to see the battlefield between Earth Alliance and ZAFT space navy forces and mobile suits. The battle is so brutal that a few ships, mobile armors, and mobile suits from both sides suffer casualties. It's intense witnessing them fighting each other in such an awful conflict. Varlak and Zarkta just watch the battle unfold, remaining neutral in their stance, and they aren't going to intervene... yet.

Zarkta: High Magistrate, how shall we proceed with this?

Varlak: Right now, we must continue our mission. We just need to pass through them in order for us to enter Earth's atmosphere. I found a perfect location to establish the base: Africa. Although I have been thinking...

Zarkta: Hm?

Varlak: Your mecha fighter, which you requested to be upgraded. Why not have you deploy there to... test it?

Zarkta: You wish to have me involved in their battle, sir?

Varlak: Alone. Think of it as testing out your new upgraded mecha fighter model that would be worth gathering data on your fighting capabilities against the enemy. This may also be against...

Zarkta: Gundam. That's what sovereign excellency has told us before we came to this universe.

The High Magistrate nodded.

Varlak: Correct. Once your upgrade is complete, that is when you are sent out there to test it by eliminating them on both sides. Moreover, you also need to protect us if any of them find out our presence, which would jeopardize our mission. So, deal with them.

Zarkta: Understood, sir.


After upgrading the Apollyon Knight, the process has been completed. The upgrade gives the mecha fighter a heavy armor suit worn on it. The whole body appearance, except the head, resembles the darthstriker model, equipped with an energy shield installment to protect itself, as well as nano repairs to fix itself whether it's in combat or not. The engineers are checking on it to ensure everything is clear so it won't cause malfunctions or system failures. Nonetheless, Salvatian has very advanced magitechnology, and they make sure it's perfectly clear. They've added new armaments to the mecha fighter's arsenal for combat against the enemy.

Salvatia Intervenes into Gundam SEED UniverseWhere stories live. Discover now