The lost agent

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Agent 3 regains consciousness, and finds herself inside a room in a bed.

3: What the...

3 get's up from the bed and look's around, she see's a door. She walks toward the door.

3: H-hellooooo? 8? 4? Captain? A-anybody?

3 looks down, and notices that she has lost her Hero shot, and Suit and is now only in her broken hero suit from when she first found Alterna.

3: Oh cod...

She looks around some more and see's a mirror, she look's at herself and see's... Hair. Her tentacles were covered in hair, as if she were a Mammalian...

3: WHAT?!


3 starts to think back to what happened yesterday.

3: So I was fighting the Octarians, everyone was super tired and... and...

3 thinks of getting hit by the Octoling and falling to the floor. She almost cries pauses.

She thinks of the agents and how she needed to get back to them.

3: ...So where am I now, and h-how do I-

A voice on a speaker talks.

??? 1: HEY YOU!

3 turns around and see's the speaker.


3 stays silent.

??? 1: Hm quiet type huh? You work for us now so stop trying to get back to your agent friends. They abandoned you why'd you wanna get back to them?

3: Th-they didn't abandon me...

??? 1: Hmph, you really must like them to think that. But anyway, your gonna be with us soon enough... Your already looking like a fuzzy Inkling already! But, you also look... Octoling as well... Hm, strange.

3: W-what are you talking about? ...Who are you?

??? 1: *Mocking tone* "W-what are y-you t-t-t-talking about?" *Stops* You'll know soon enough... The new leader has big plans for you, you did beat the last leader after all... but... you won't exactly be... you by then, won't you.

3: Mr Grizz? Wait... T-there's a new leader?

??? 1: Like I said, you'll know soon enough.

The speaker turns off.

3: What is going on?

She stays silent for awhile.

3: What did that voice mean by all that... And more importantly... How do I get out?

3 continues looking around the room trying to find something to help her. After awhile she gets tired and lies down on the bed.

3: I'll rest for a bit and look some more later...

4 + 8 + Captain POV

The agents continue their looking for 3. So far they had completed half of their first Site, and they all looked everywhere in every single kettle for any signs of 3.

4 grabs a radio and turns it on.

4: *On a radio* Hey anybody see anything yet?

8: + Captain: *At the exact same time* No...

4:  *sigh* I don't know where there'd be another opening...

8: Don't worry, your trying your best. We'll get to her soon I'm sure of it!

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