3's first day

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This story follows a life of a agent.

A life of chaos.

There are actually multiple agents. But nobody has ever known what they did. Nobody knew they even existed.

And you may ask, What do they do? What have they done? What will they do? Well, these agents save the life's of many people. They have done things from restoring a city's power all the way to Saving the world from a giant statue. And, As for what they will do, you'll find out.

Location: The Earths Exosphere

DJ Octavio and Agent 3 are speeding their way down to earth, after their long, tiring battle against Mr Grizz. As they fly through space agent 3 lets out a sigh of relief.

3: F-finally, we're safe...

The two start to approach the earths atmosphere.

DJ Octavio: Nearly there, Hold on tight 3!

They then start falling, faster and faster, their speed increases, DJ Octavio then turns on the rocket blasters on the feet of his mech. They make a safe landing right in Alterna. The squid sisters and Deep cut can be seen in the distance, The two make their way towards them.

3 can hear the two bands of idols celebrating their well won victory.

Callie: Yeah! We did it!

Marie: Don't celebrate yet we still need to figure out how to fully rehydrate gramps

Frye: But... we still won right? We cant figure out how to rehydrate your grandpa later. We should party!

Shiver: Yes, I agree we did win that one, but Marie's right... We should try to figure out ho-

Callie: Look! Its Agent 3!

Cuttlefish: And ol Octavio

The whole team gathered around the area.

DJ Octavio: Cuttlefish! what happened to you?

Cuttlefish: I got dehydrated by that maniac, what's his name... Mr Grazz?

Marie: Mr Grizz, Gramps

Callie: Oh! we left the Captain, we should go and tell him the good news!

Marie: Yes, but I'm not sure what his reaction to Octavio will be...

Cuttlefish: The lads a good man, he will calm down when we tell him everything

The reunited group heads down to where Callie and Marie left their Captain.

Moments later...

The Captain looks around and see's DJ Octavio with the other agents.

Captain: What's he doing here

He slowly starts pulling out his hero shot.

Cuttlefish: Steady there, ol Octavio is on our side now. Never thought he would though... that rascal.

Captain: Is this true?

Marie: Yep, 3 never would have made it if not for him

Captain: Well, thank you for helping us save the world, I hope you will continue working with us after all, we will need as many people as possible.

Callie: Why is that?

Captain: We need to do a full search of Alterna, make sure no fuzzy octarans survive.

Marie: Right

Captain: we will re-group here tomorrow, with all the other agents.

Cuttlefish: 3, you are new here in inkopolis?

A life of Chaos (A Splatoon 3 fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now