Chapter thirty-eight

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(Harry's POV)

Things are slowly but surely starting to lighten up around this normally bland town. I couldn't be happier, and to make things better, Christmas is tomorrow, which of course means that today is Louis' birthday.

It's been a few days since I last saw him, when I met his sisters and family and slept over. I've been texting and calling him non stop but both of us have been brutally busy. Louis has been nervous about the first showing of the musical, which is in 7 days, 5 hours, and 21 minutes. I have a count down clock set up on my phone. Call me crazy!

He's paranoid that something will go wrong. He thinks that somebody will pull the fire alarm or a crazy serial killer will come slaughter us all. . . as I said before, he's fucking paranoid.

I've been rehearsing the musical a lot lately, which will hopefully make him less nervous knowing that I have my part memorized. Usually, I just sit in my room and sing to myself, or sometimes Jenna will help me and she'll fill in for Eleanor's parts. I've memorized every single line, word, period and comma. I know the entire musical like the back of my hand.

Stretching my arms, I sit up from my bed. I look over at the clock. It's nearly noon. Louis told me not to get him anything for his birthday or Christmas, because he says that the tattoo that we got a few days ago was enough already, but of course, being the cheesy romantic boyfriend that I am, I made arrangements at a fancy restaurant at 2 o'clock. That means I have two hours to get ready, go pick up Louis, and get to the restaurant which is a good forty five minute drive from here.

I send Lou a quick text;

HAPPY BIRTHDAY BABY!!! I love you so much. I know you didn't want anything for your birthday, but I did something anyway. Be ready in an hour. Wear something nice. ;)

I smile before I send it, then walk over to my bathroom and splash my face with water to wake myself up. I pull on a clean pair of skinny jeans and a white v-neck with a black blazer. Then, I walk down to the kitchen to get something to drink. I'm parched.

I stop half way down the stair case when I hear my parents talking in the other room. I haven't had a real conversation with them in weeks. The last time I talked to my mum was when we went to the mall together for that "mother-son-bonding-time". I've said hello to them but that's about it. I've never actually spoken to them, just at them. . . if that makes sense?

"What are we doing tomorrow for Christmas? Are we visiting family?" I hear my mum say.

"We're not much of a family anymore . . ." my dad answers. I frown.

"I'm sorry, Robin, but things have gone too far. We need to accept him for who he is." my mum says.

"I don't know how." my dad says ever so quietly that I can barely hear him.

"He's still our son," my mum begins, "I know hearing him confess something like that was a surprise- to both of us- but it's time to move on. It's been months since you last spoke to him. Don't you think it's time to forgive and forget?"

"I don't know."

I hear my mum sigh, and there's a long dramatic pause before she speaks up, "Tomorrow is Christmas. Maybe we should all do something as a family." she suggests.


"But nothing." my mum snaps. "He is our son, and we need to accept him. At first I didn't want to believe it, and I admit I'm not too happy about his life choice, but I love him the same. Maybe that boy he's dating is a nice lad. We need to at least give Harry the benefit of the doubt, don't you think?"

A cold hand brushes over my shoulder, and I jump. I turn around to see Jenna with a puzzled look on her face.

"You okay?" she says quietly.

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