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"Nice to meet you, Obadiah." Reverend Oakes held out his hand with a warm smile.

"You as well, Reverend Oakes," Obadiah kept his hand to his side.

He knew better than to touch the man. He didn't know how to tell the Reverend that touching him would drive him mad.

Reverend Oakes squinted for a moment and then nodded. "Guinevere, lovely to see you." He shook her hand and motioned for them to follow.

Isaiah tugged on Obadiah's hand and remained still.

Obadiah gently nudged Guinevere and nodded downward to the boy.

"What's the matter, darling?" She asked quietly.

Isaiah pointed at Obadiah.


Isaiah nodded and stood on his toes, but huffed, as he was too small. "Obbi," He whispered. "Don't be sad today,"

Guinevere's heart melted and fluttered at once.

Her little darling was compassionate and thoughtful.

Obadiah kneeled beside the boy and took his hand. "I won't. I'm better now. Thank you for caring, Isaiah."

Isaiah threw his tiny arms around him and sighed. "Goodie!"

Obadiah's heart was warm.

Isaiah was a special little boy.

He hugged him back and stood, still holding the boy.

"I think we're ready," He told Guinevere and she smiled.


"Won't you all sit and tell me what this meeting is for," Reverend Oakes motioned to the pews and stood beside the stand.

The pair sat and joined hands.

Happy magnets.

"We'd like to be married," Obadiah said as Isaiah touched his hair.

Thankfully, it wasn't repulsive. Just weird.

"Oh, I assumed you were married already," Reverend Oakes laughed softly. "Well, I think I can help you folks,"

Guinevere beamed and squeezed Obadiah's hand in excitement.

She knew he'd be able to marry them, but this made it more real.

This was actually happening.

"What do we need to do to be married?" Obadiah asked.

He didn't want to waste time. He knew what he wanted and that was to be Guinevere's husband.

Reverend Oakes cleared his throat and sat. "You'll need two witnesses. But before you can marry, I'd like for you both to understand what it means to be married," He explained, reeling in the pair. "I don't say this because I think you're ignorant, I say this because it's important to know that marriage isn't about I, but about we, and most importantly, about He." He pointed up.

This is what Obadiah wanted.

He was ignorant and it was okay.

"The Lord designed marriage and it is supposed to be a beautiful mirror of His love and devotion toward us. Obadiah, you are to lay your life down for Guinevere."

He nodded gladly. He was more than willing.

"Guinevere, you are to respect Obadiah and submit to him. This isn't an abusive submission. He won't be your boss, but he will be your husband. This means that you will submit to his leadership."

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