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As the sun lit Guinevere's cottage, she sat thinking of the man.

She was well-rested and eager to seek him out.

There was something about him that drew her to him.

It could be that the Lord wanted her to pray for him, as the fear in his eyes remained in her mind.

And maybe, just maybe, he could use a friend.

She understood loneliness.

But she had children, it seemed to her, that the man had no one.

Guinevere shook her head as she stood.

"Lord, help me not to assume."

Still, she wanted to thank him properly and whatever happened afterward, it would be.

"Isaiah, are you ready, my darling?" She called and heard quiet giggles.

Isaiah was her little sunshine.

The Lord knew she needed joy and sent her Isaiah.

She would do everything in her power to protect the joy of her little darling.

As she walked into the bedroom, she found Isaiah sitting with Lydia playing peek-a-boo.

Her heart melted at their bond.

"See! Me!" He cheered to his sister and uncovered his face, making her giggle.

The sweetest rosy cheeks were on display.

The joy Isaiah gave to Lydia was special.

And it could've been gone.

Guinevere had to thank the man.

"Come on, darling. You can play at Mrs. Delores's," She told her son, who only smiled.

The happiest boy.

She grabbed her wrap and secured Lydia to her chest before wrapping it around her back. "All ready," She kissed her precious girl's head and sighed.

She couldn't have asked for better children.

She adored them.

Isaiah rushed to her side and gripped her hand. "Ready, Mommy!"

Her heart.

His big brown eyes were still sending flutters to her heart because God sent that man at the right time.

The more she thought of it, the more she knew finding him needed to be done today.

What she had to give wouldn't be much, but it would be from her heart.

"Lord, please allow me to find him," She prayed before leaving home.


"Welcome, Guinevere," Henry said as she walked into the bakery. "Isaiah, Lydia," He smiled at the children and pushed open the door that led to the house. "Mother is waiting in the sitting room,"

Guinevere nodded and walked to the back.

"Good morning, dears!" Mrs. Delores said brightly, opening her arms for Lydia.

"Good morning, Mrs. Delores," Guinevere kissed her cheek and unwrapped Lydia. "The children were playing peek-a-boo, and I promised them they could continue once we arrived,"

Mrs. Delores nodded. "Oh, well, we will do just that! Isaiah, won't you show me you're greatest peek-a-boo?"

Delores was a gift from God. A grandmother to the children and even Guinevere.

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