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It was Tuesday.

Obadiah was in town.

He'd kept his word about not going back. He couldn't. It was too much.

Being around Guinevere and her children only emphasized the faults he had. He couldn't handle interacting with people so closely.

He liked to be alone in his quiet home. He didn't need anyone.

It was the right decision to make.

The right one for his mind.

Only things hadn't gotten better for his mind.

He was still tormented. He was still plagued by nightmares. He was still stupid and hopeless.

He hadn't cried out to God. It felt like too much.

When he cried out to God, He would speak, but the feelings of peace wouldn't last.

It was like a barrier that kept him from being at peace for longer than a few hours.

Maybe it was all that the Lord could provide.

He wouldn't know.

He couldn't know.

If he couldn't read, he would never find out.

But still, the overwhelming feeling of love and hope that filled him when Guinevere spoke of the Lord's love for him was unforgettable.

He wanted to hold onto that moment, that truth, forever.

He had a moment where he thought, maybe, just maybe, he would try again. And he wanted to, but it was too much to bear.

He exploded and made the little child cry.

He was unstable and Guinevere didn't need him around her children or her.

No one did.

The last week reminded him of why he stayed alone for thirty-five years.

No one would be hurt by his reactive ways if he was alone.

No one could mock him for being stupid if he was alone.

No one would be frustrated by him for being slow if he was alone.

It was right.

He was okay with living this way.


For a moment, he'd forgotten he was out in public.

"Mrs. Hayworth," He greeted the older woman with a nod.

Her eyes narrowed and she motioned for him to come sit.

With a sigh, he complied.

"I hear you decided to stop learning." She told him.

He just looked at her.

"Guinevere is far too respectful to force you to return and learn. And I am as well, but I will say that opposition is a part of walking the path the Lord has cleared for you."


It was torment for him.

"If you truly want to know the Lord and His Word, you will stand, Obadiah. You will push through the voices in your mind and lean in for His still small voice. His voice will give you peace, but you have to believe what He is speaking. He is a gentleman, He will never force you to have faith. You must choose." She said firmly but with a kind smile. "And when you make that choice, know that come hell or high waters, the Lord will keep you. The enemy, the tormentor will come for you, but you have to know who has already won the battle." She winked and sat back.

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