Hye Bao?????(1)

267 25 2

" husk ...husks ....."

"I'm dying"

" Mom.."

" ahhhhh ..."

" food"

" meat"

"I want meat "

Some disciples are lying on the floor, while others are on their knees.

" We are done doing physical training" Jo-Gul dropped the heavy rock. His body is getting stronger since he started to train physicalness .He looked  at his Sahyung and Hye-In ,then walked toward them

" Sahyung,Samei let's go eat breakfast" Jo-Gul said

"Ahhhh... I need bath." Hye-in said while dropping the log she was holding

" Gul, I think we also need bath. My sweat is soaking my clothes." Yong Joon said

"Jo-Gul sahyung , Yong Joon sahyung, I'll go to refresh myself first. I'll meet y'all at the cafeteria" After she said that, she run as fast as she could to her room

' I really can't stand the robe sticking to my body'

Jo-Gul looked at the back of his new Samei ,silently.

" Sahyung, Do you feel that the arrival of Hye-In Samei is similar to Chung Myung" Jo Gul asked

" The moment I laid my eyes on her ,I feel like she and Chung Myung are meant to be here, Mount Hua."

" Who know, just let the time answer the question. The log she was holding is not as big as our but it's not so small for the girl her age can hold it freely with her skinny arm" Yoon Jong said

Jo Gul agreed  "true"

" When Chung Myung came , he look so frail ,but he still managed to beat you up to the pulp"

Jo-Gul lip twitched . He doesn't want to remember that awful memories.

In the hall full of disciples with different kind of dishes. Some of the disciples look so scruffy and pitiful.

" My hands are trembling. I can't even hold the chopsticks "

"me too"

" hey, It has been days since I last see Chung Myung "

" True. I haven't seen him too"

Hye-In walked in to the cafeteria and find  Yun Jong  and Jo -Gul are sitting near each other with other disciples around them ,but there is an empty place in front of Yoon Jong.

She assumed that it was for her and walked toward that place and sit down.

" How was your first physical training? " Jo-Gul asked with some excitement on his face.

"It was okey, Sahyung " Hye-In replied politely. She has always been a respectful person to prople from Mount Hua ,especially those who are older or having higher rank than her.

'so polite. This new samei doesn't seem like a crazy person like that  devil sajil at all'  Jo-Gul thought

" that's cool. with your bony arm , i thought you would have broke it  after lifting the log for 3  times at most" a disciple sitting near them said.

" i thought Yoon Jong Sahyung was so cruel for letting her lifted such as a big log, if she can't lifted it ,wouldn't it crush her and die" another disciple said

" won't die ,maybe just a few broken bone." other one said

"I heard girl can't grow if they lifted big thing. "

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