Scars of Past

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This story idea came from @firstkhaolove thank you for concern and thank you for the story idea <3

Ayan PoV*

Here I am laying on our bed, Akk was next to me sleeping while his hand all over my waist maybe he's exhausted after what happened last night, I didn't know he's good at bed even I'm he's first 

My eye's landed on my wrist looking the cut on my wrist that slowly healing, now all the past coming back on my memories remembering how depressed and devastated what happened to my uncle and all the problem that Suppalo give me, I almost killed myself but thankful that my mom, friends and Akk was there for me

I know was facing the same problem at Suppalo and I feeling guilty form giving him more problem...

I got distrated when someone kissed my wrist and it was Akk finally woke up and know that im in deep thought 

Akk: Hey don't think too much 

he said with deep voice, it really make me melt with his morning voice 

: Everything is in the past think the present 

he added and kissed my forehead

Ayan: Im sorry can't help it but that's not the problem I'm thinking right, it was how I will walk and cook breakfast for us you are pretty rough on me last night...

I said while pouting

Akk: Im sorry but let's not think about that and let's cuddle for now-

Ayan: No. no cuddle for you from what you did to me last night and Im full of bite marks and hickeys 

I said while glaring at him but he hug me and i try to break free but im too weak for now so i let him hug me and i burried my face on his chest, I really love him maybe there's nothing will break us apart

Akk: I love you my shortstop

Ayan: me too my Bigfoot

Authors note:

well that's was the best shot story i make, im very thank you to person who share their story idea ^^

(sorry if it short because im sleepy and i have school tomorrow so bye for now^^)

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