Info (not a shot story)

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My name will be anonymous

I'm 18 years old I just turned 18 last month
But that doesn't mean I'm in legal age I can make smut story, I can't do it it make me cringe don't know why...


Filipina (this is the reason why I'm not good at english)
My first bl series I watched is love is in the air (omg I was just 16 years old 😭😭😭 forgive me)

Single (NBSB no boyfriend since birth)
Reason, no one's like me seriously I've never experienced get courted by someone and no one been confessed their feelings to me yeah I get it I'm ugly and I gladly accepted it's reality
2nd study first I want to finished my college so I can focused

My entrance exam will coming soon in Feb 11 omg please pray for me that I can passed the entrance exam 😭😭😭

Yeah maybe I will post the chapter 3 today or maybe Tomorrow but I don't promise 🥲

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