넷: Dear doctor

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Gyuvin hated that he agreed before even thinking coherently.

He and Zhang Hao were entering the white and silent hospital, specifically,  the place were Zhang Hao's doctor was.

A few hours ago the eldest kindly asked but at the same time forced Gyuvin to go with him to the hospital to his medical check. He normally would go with Matthew, but the latter couldn't go because he had something about a not date with Jiwoong that afternoon. Gyuvin at the begging tried declined knowing it was going to be deeply boring for his hyperactive puppy soul. It was until Hao offered him a mango ice cream after the consult that he accepted without even thinking again that he had to enter a hospital and stay there hearing an old man saying non-sense he barely understood. But well, that was what friends are for, aren't they?

But sure, he really didn't expected what he saw inside Hao doctor's office. Or more exactly, who. Or even more exactly, what god did he saw?

Inside, there was a young man, probably around their age, 1 or 2 years more. He had a white and shinny coat that for some strange reason looked so good in his tall and slender figure. His hair was styled like if he was a rich model from the magazines he saw at the supermarket, and was as white as pure winter snow in the mountains. 

"Oh, hi Zhang Hao. I see that you brought a new friend." The doctor stood up from his desk and walked to the two guys. His sight was directed to Gyuvin as if he was light inside a completely dark room.

"Hello, I am doctor Ricky, but you can just call me by my name, I don't like using language formalities. I know I look young, but I am a doctor with a speciality in mind's traumas and the best graduated in my generation, so do not worry, your friend is in good hands. "  The doctor placed his hand in front of the taller and waited for him to place it as well and shake it.

"I am Gyuvin, Kim Gyuvin. It's a pleasure to meet you....Ricky."

The doctor left Gyuvin without the ability to breath properly. He was like a dream man he had inside his imagination every time he went to sleep. Gyuvin's regrets went far, far away of the room and were never seen again. He wanted to make sure to say thanks to his hyung for bringing him here. 

"So, that is all for today Zhang Hao. For now, just continue taking your medicines, okay? We don't want you to have another panic attack soon, right?" The doctor happily smiled to the boys, signaling them that they can leave now. 

"Yes Ricky, don't worry."

"Then, I will see you next time, and I hope that along with your friend." There was a clear smirk in the blonde's face, and it didn't went unnoticed by Gyuvin.... nor Zhang Hao, which acted like if the was about the puke and came out of the room as fast as he could. 

"Well, then if you ask, I will  come more frequently." Gyuvin didn't knew were did he got the confidence to say that, but it just simply happened, and it surprised the doctor although he wasn't bothered with it.

"I will be glad." Ricky had the nerve of wink with his beautiful eye to the brown-haired guy, which finally made the effect he wanted and a rush of crimson color painted the beautiful canvas Gyuvin's face was. Because Ricky noticed that it looked very good in him, and he would do his best to paint it every time he can. (People who notice the reference have good tastes :)

Gyuvin didn't waited more and ran out of the room trying to find fresh air to cal himself down. Sadly for him, the only thing he founded was an angry raccoon looking him directly into his eyes, but definitely not the way the doctor did. 

"Yah! Kim Gyuvin! I didn't brought you with me to eat my doctor alive through your eyes." Zhang Hao stood up in front of the younger. Although the eldest was smaller than him, Gyuvin was scared of what to say. That was until his little crazy mind decided that is was a good time to plan his funeral.

"I know, but you didn't told me your doctor is as fine as hell! How you don't see that?" The eldest was visibly tired of his friend, now receiving the regret that Gyuvin left once he entered the room. 

"Not my type, that is the why."

"That explains why you are still alone..." Definetly a murder was about to happen.... 

"Yah! You little demon! Now I will not give you my doctors number." Gyuvin didn't knew until then that there were destinies worse than death. This was one of them. He had forgotten to ask Ricky his number, and wanted to ask Hao for it. Now his plan was ruined because of his foolishness. 

"Wait, Hao Hyung! I am sorrrrrry. Please forgive me."



"I said no."

"Well, at least now I can go with you every time you go with him? Pleaseeeee." The boy was clearly on his edge, probably if the eldest didn't stopped him, he would have been in his knees begging a little bit more.

"Fine, just stop sulking. I don't want people thinking I made you cry nor beg."

"Yeasssss, thank you Hao hyung!" That was how Gyuvin's ruined afternoon became a signal directly coming from heaven.

Well, a signal from heaven if you ignore that Ricky wasn't who he seems, a person behind a mask, a perfectly hidden mask, as well as many others around him.



Hi my dear readers. 

Things... happened, so that is why I literary haven't updated in weeks.... sorry. I will try to come back to the rhythm I had cause guess who has like a week *almost* completely free of school. 

I don't promise something, but I think I can write a few chapter for later upload them slowly and not keeping you with a big hiatus.

Well, that is all for today my dear readers, don't forget to comment and vote and see you soon!

~Zoey (Yep, that is my name ;)

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 16 ⏰

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