Chapter 12 - Floodplain

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Silk's point of view:

Oh gosh, that encounter was so weird. I can't believe that guy was so grumpy. I mean, I just wanted to enjoy my day, and he acted like I did something super wrong. But it's okay; I'll just shake it off.

Taking a deep breath, I remind myself not to let it bother me too much. "Stay positive, Silk," I mumble to myself. "Now, where could Y/N be?"

I have a strong desire to meet him and have an open conversation about the relationship between us. I won't let this painful emotion in my heart go unnoticed. 

Even if he turns me down, it's fine. I believe it's better than dealing with these emotions in isolation.

I meander through the village, taking my time to ponder where Y/N might be. Thoughts swirl in my mind like leaves caught in a gentle breeze. It's been a good 15 minutes of walking, and I'm starting to wonder if I'll ever stumble upon him.

And then, like a light bulb flickering to life, it hits me – that grand mansion right on the outskirts of the village. How did I not think of it earlier? It stands tall and proud, impossible to miss. Perhaps Y/N is there, immersed in his thoughts, the serene atmosphere of the mansion offering a quiet sanctuary.

Embarking on the journey toward the mansion, my steps carry a blend of anticipation and curiosity. The pathway beneath my feet, weathered by time, exudes a sense of nostalgia, surrounded by quaint houses adorned with colorful flowers. The village, with its lively atmosphere, serves as a picturesque backdrop to my thoughts.

As I stroll through the narrow streets, the air is crisp, carrying the subtle fragrance of blooming blossoms from the ancient trees that line the pathway. Birds engage in a symphony overhead, their melodies harmonizing with the rhythmic tapping of my shoes against the cobblestones.
Approaching the outskirts, the grandeur of the mansion becomes more pronounced. Tall, wrought-iron gates stand ajar, beckoning exploration into the hidden realm beyond. The path leading to the entrance is adorned with meticulously manicured gardens, their blooms swaying gracefully in the breeze.

And then, as if fate plays a sweet tune, the mansion doors creak open, revealing the figure of Y/N stepping into the daylight. My breath catches, and a rush of warmth envelops me. He looks up, and our eyes lock, a silent acknowledgment of the connection between us.

A smile forms on his face, genuine and heartwarming. Time seems to slow as I approach, each step bringing me closer to the person who occupies my every thought. The world around us fades, leaving only the two of us standing in the glow of the mansion's entrance.

"Hey, Silk." he greets, his voice a melody that resonates in my ears. "I didn't expect to see you here."

A blush creeps onto my cheeks as I respond, "I was... you know, finding you. And then I thought, why not check out this beautiful mansion? It stands out, clearly." I gesture towards the estate, trying to sound casual despite the excitement bubbling within me.

Y/N asks gently while turning away slightly. It appears he's just as shy as I am. "Is this about the situation back in the restaurant?" 

"Yeah," I admit, my voice carrying a mix of nervousness and sincerity. "I only needed to talk about it, you know? It's been on my mind, and I didn't want to keep it to myself."

Y/N nods, his expression thoughtful. "I get that. It was a bit unexpected, and I've been thinking about it too." There's a genuine warmth in his eyes that puts me at ease.

Encouraged by his understanding, I continue, "I want to set things clear between us. However, I value our friendship too, and if discussing it helps, then I'm all for it."

He smiles, a reassuring gesture that eases the tension in the air. "I value our friendship too, Silk. Let's talk, and we'll figure it out together."

In that moment, the initial nervousness gives way to a sense of connection. It turns out that Y/N shares some of my thoughts and concerns. The honesty in our exchange strengthens the bond between us, and I can't help but feel grateful for his understanding.

Summoning up my courage, I take a deep breath and venture into the heart of the matter. "Y/N," I start, my voice barely above a whisper, "there's something I've been wanting to ask."

He turns towards me, his eyes reflecting a mix of curiosity and warmth. "Go ahead, Silk. You can ask me anything."

"Do you... like me romantically?" 

Y/N's gaze softens, and there's a moment of thoughtful silence before he responds, "Silk, I do feel a connection, and I care about you. But it's too soon, and I want to be honest with you." 

The dark-haired lad continues, "We both need time to figure things out, and rushing into anything might complicate what we have.

Also, we still have a lot on our plate. Us being marines, our journey, just... a lot."
A bittersweet mix of relief and disappointment washes over me. "I understand," I say, trying to mask the vulnerability in my voice. "I appreciate your honesty, Y/N."

He reaches out and gently squeezes my hand. "I hope you understand, Silk. I value Pharos - our squad, and I don't want to jeopardize that. Can we take things slow and just be friends for now?"

"Of course, Y/N. Friends it is." Though a part of me longs for more, I appreciate his honesty and the commitment to preserving our connection. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 30 ⏰

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