Chapter 7 - Coastal

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I stand in the ship's kitchen, bathed in the soft, golden light of the afternoon sun that filters through the porthole windows. The scent of freshly cooked meat wafts from the pan, and a pot of aromatic vegetable broth simmers on the stove. This cozy kitchen, with its wooden cabinets filled with spices, utensils, and jars of exotic ingredients, feels like a comforting embrace.

I hum a soft tune, lost in the rhythm of my cooking, and my thoughts are interrupted by Hannah's cheerful entrance. Her sharp eyes take in the inviting scene as she smiles at me. "Silk, what's cooking, good lookin'?" she asks, her voice filled with curiosity.

I look up, my eyes sparkling with warmth while chuckling lightly from her joke. "I'm preparing a special dish using some of the ingredients Y/N gifted me back in my hometown. Care to join me, Hannah?"

Hannah nods, her blonde hair catching the light as she takes a seat at the wooden table, her musket holstered by her side. "I'd love to! Your cooking is a welcome change from our usual meals."

"You know," I begin, my voice tinged with nostalgia, "I grew up in Arach Town. My parents were pirates who left me there after a raid. The villagers took me in and raised me as their own. It's where I learned to cook and wield a sword."

Hannah listens attentively, her eyes filled with empathy. "That sounds like quite a journey, Silk. I'm glad you found your way to our crew."

"It's alright. I've come a long way from those days of uncertainty." Turning away from the cutting board, I continue, "Besides, it is you guys who saved me from my mental burden."

With our friendship deepening amidst the clinking of utensils and the sizzle of ingredients in the pan, the ship sails on through the Grand Line, carrying us towards new adventures. My past is a part of me, but now I have a family on the Stygian Widow.

When I finish up the cooking, Hannah graciously offers to help me prepare the dishes. We work in harmony, our movements synchronized like a well-practiced dance. The aroma of the meal fills the kitchen, a delicious promise of the feast to come.

Just as we're putting the finishing touches on the dishes, Y/N strolls into the kitchen, his marine uniform crisp and his expression relaxed. "Something smells incredible in here," he remarks, his eyes lighting up as he takes in the spread on the table.

I smile, feeling a sense of accomplishment. "It's a special dish I learned back in Arach Town. I thought it would be a nice introduction for our crew, sir."

Hannah adds, "Silk's been sharing some stories about her past while we were cooking. It's been quite an enlightening mornin'."

Y/N takes a seat at the table, his presence filling the room with a sense of camaraderie. "Haha, you get used to this fast. You're a perfect addition to Pharos." He sets down his axe, Leviathan, before sitting down.

My cheeks flush slightly, and I respond with a playful grin, "Well, I might have a pirate's blood, but a marine's life suits me better, Y/N."

The sun, now well into its ascent toward its zenith, bathes the Stygian Widow's deck in a brilliant white glow, casting crisp, short shadows that waltz with the gentle sway of the ship. The sea stretches out in all directions, its surface adorned with glimmers of sunlight, a tranquil expanse that embraces the world in serene tranquility. The breeze carries with it a hint of salt and adventure, tousling my hair and reminding me of the vastness of the ocean that stretches before us on this mid-noon voyage.

Y/N's point of view:

Just as I'm about to take another bite of Silk's delicious meal, a peculiar sensation tugs at the edges of my consciousness. It's my Haki, the power that allows me to sense the presence of others. But this isn't the aura of a person; it's something smaller, something nestled away in the storage hold below deck.

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