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A girl in her 20s wearing a royal dress is currently sulking because she's not allowed to go out without a guard. But her guard was recently removed from his job due to recklessness. Currently, her father is searching for a Senapathy and a personal guard for her little princess...
(Time skips)
A man in his mid-20s is sword-fighting with one of the toughest men in their empire and won the last round of his qualification
Vikram: Bravo young man you are officially qualified as Senapathy and personal guard for my daughter
??: Personal guard??.. This was not mentioned in the contract
Vikram: Well you are so strong and I'm sure you'll protect my daughter in any situation. By the way, what is your name ??
??: Maharaja, I'm Samarth...(
Vikram: Well Samarth, From tomorrow you will be in charge of Senapathy and my daughter's guard.
Samarth: Sure Maharaja...Can I take my leave
Vikram: Haan You may leave and make sure to meet me tomorrow at 11 AM
Samarth: Sure

Saying this he leaves...Then one of Vikram's ministers approahes him
??: Maharaja I don't think it's a good idea to let him personal guard you know yuvarani and him have almost same age they migh---
Vikram: Stop it... I don't wanna hear one more word about it. I trust my daughter
??: Ji even I trust yuvarani but I don't trust the age this love thing is spreading like flu..I want to suggest that my br-o-ther th-at he ca-n b-e gu-ar-d(he said stuttering)
this time Vikram took his sword and pointed at his throat. Minister eyes widened and eyes stuck on the sharp point of sword which can slit throat any second swallowing the lump formed in throat he said: Sorry maharaja I'll never say such things.

(Time skips to tommorrow)
??: Sneha let's sneak out today I really feel bore today...
Sneha: Yuvarani Avantika You know I'm scared of all this, I can't do all this, You better take some other girl with you..
Avantika: No other is as friendly as you. They inform every single thing to appa. You will come or not ???
Sneha: No yuvarani...I can't .
Avantika: I know you will not say yes easily (saying this she covered Sneha's mouth and dragged her through a secret canal which which only she and Sneha knows)
Avantika:(Inhales) Aah this market smell....
Sneha: (Sees her with uninterested eyes) you like this rotten vegetables and fish smell?? Ji you have a weird taste(saying this she rolls her eyes)
Avanatika: Sneha, It's not that. Here no one can restrict me...and stop calling me YuVaRaNi and Ji I'm your friend duh...
Sneha: Being your friend is the most adventurous thing I've ever did in my life...I've to keep my heart in my arms roam with you and scared to death thinking " what if Maharaja gets to know"
I'm saying ji ,(Avantika glares at her) sorry hehe...I'm saying if Maharaja gets to know you sneak out with me you are gonna save me I don't wanna die this young....
Avantika:(laughs) Haha I won't let it happen...
(time skips)
Both girls return mahal through the canal only to find an unfamiliar man in his 20s standing infront of the canal as if he's waiting for them giving both of them bombastic eye
Avantika: Aey man who are you ?? What are doing here??
??: Whoever I'm but Yuvarani Ji you shouldn't have gone out like this
Avantika: Don't tell me what to do okay?? Do your work and yeah If I ask my father for permission then he'll literally send half of the army with me. Uff I want to go out like a normal human not like a yuvarani
?? Ji I'm doing my work I'm your personal guard Samarth. You can inform me whenever you want to go out
Avantika: (Rolls eyes) well then I want to go to....(thinks for a while looking at the sky then says) moon. I want to go to moon. Well take to me to moon....
Samarth was stunned after listening to Avantika words weren't forming......
Avantika: No right...now move aside and let me go....(Samarth moves aside she starts going but stopped and turned only to say): Don't you dare to tell to appa otherwise I'll make sure you rot in hell...(saying this she goes away)
Sneha: Don't mind her...I'm sorry on behalf of her well I'm Sneha (she extends her hands)
Samarth: I'm Samarth(saying this he joins his hands)
Sneha: (felt akward) well I have work I'll go now
Samarth: I thought being personal guard of Yuvarani is easy but now I think being sena[thy for 100 kingdoms at a time is much easier than this (saying this he goes from there but someone was watching from far away...
??: He's so handsome and well built I'll find out who
(time skips)
?? Sneha I saw you talking to some man in the backyard who was that ??
Sneha: Oh he...Well he is Yuvarani's personal guard and newly appointed Senapathey. Why did you ask Sheila??
Sheila: Well I've never seen him inside the mahal so I asked..
Sneha: It's better you don't do any stupid thing. last time you almost got kicked out for trying to seduce Yuvarani's friend...I know he's handsome but let me warn you, he's not like other men he don't even shook hands women(saying this she went away....)
Sheila: Well I'm Sheila no man can ignore he's mine the minute I saw him......(saying this she takes the tray and goes to senapathy's room. before entering the room she again started her cheap tactics she loosened her duppatta)Ji I bought drink for you
Samarth: Hmm come in ( he said without looking at the woman )
Sheila: (Swaying her hips she goes to his and takes the glass bends so her cleavage can be seen but Samarth being super busy didn't notice her he heard sound of glass being placed )
Samarth: Now you can go and(now he sees her and says) next time ask other person to come I'm not liking your presence (saying this he turned ti table to complete his work)
Sheila: Sure(saying this she stomped out the room fuming in anger)
I'll make you mine one day Mr.Samarth....Bahut bhao khate ho.....I'll show you who Shiela is

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