3. She will be loved

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Ava was shaking, the keys to her apartment jingled softly from where they were clenched in her fist. Beatrice wasn't surprised, if she was right about what was happening as they pulled up in their patrol car, Ava's adrenaline must be through the roof. She bit the inside of her cheek. It had taken everything Beatrice had not to taze Ava's ex when she realized just who she was dealing with, an impulse she was still battling with now.

"Sinclair... Beatrice!"

Beatrice blinked, tearing her eyes away from Ava to look over at Lilith. Her partner was standing purposefully, and maybe a little threateningly, in front of JC.

"I've got him..." Lilith said tilting her head towards JC before glancing briefly at Ava, "You should take her inside."

Beatrice's gaze drifted back to Ava who now had her arms wrapped around herself, her watery dark eyes staring unfocused into the distance. She wished she could pull her into a hug or take her hand, but that wasn't something Beatrice could do right now, not wearing her uniform.

So instead, she nodded and stepped closer to Ava, "Hey? Ava? Let's go inside, yeah?"

Ava looked at her then her eyes still unfocused. Beatrice tried to smile supportively but Ava's expression remained unchanged.

"... okay."

Beatrice took a step towards the door but had to wait for Ava who seemed momentarily lost before unfreezing herself from the spot.

"Okay." She said a little stronger now and led the way up the garden path.

When they reached the porch, it was Beatrice who faltered.

The image of Ava leaning back against the door, her head lolling to the side while Beatrice stuck a hand down her top, flashed into her head. Thankfully Ava was facing away from her as the blood rushed to her face. Did she remember what happened between them? Did she remember the kiss they'd shared? If Ava did, she was doing an outstanding job acting nonchalant about it.

Ava switched on the light for the stairwell as Beatrice quietly shut the door behind them. They stood silently in the tiny landing of the stairs to Ava's apartment and in that heavy silence, Beatrice's mind refused to stop speculating on how much Ava remembered from that night. It might actually be driving her insane.

She had to know.

"Ava, I..." Whatever Beatrice had been about to say died on her tongue as she faced Ava.

Ava's whole body shook with noiseless gut-wrenching sobs and all Beatrice could do in that moment was open her arms to her, wrapping Ava up tight as she collapsed into them.


"Here you go..."

Ava stared unseeing at the mug of tea placed in front of her, eyes red and puffy from crying. Beatrice discreetly checked her phone as she prepared her own cup.

When it had become apparent JC was intoxicated, Lilith had taken him down to the precinct. He would need to spend the night in the cells and sober up before giving his statement. That meant Beatrice had half an hour before Lilith would be back to pick her up, half an hour to make sure Ava was okay.

Beatrice looked over at Ava sitting on the couch. She was facing away from her and everything about Ava's posture, from the hunched shoulders to the bowed head, screamed that she wasn't okay. Beatrice couldn't leave her alone like this. She wondered how much trouble she would be in if she knocked off early for the night, she could pretend to be sick... But as soon as the thought entered Beatrice's head, she dismissed it. She still had three hours to go on her shift, and Lilith needed her partner. Besides, Beatrice doubted Lilith would ever let her live it down.

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