1. Strangers in the night

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***I have two stories ongoing at the moment, so I don't know why I'm doing this too myself, but I had an idea and started this fic to help get over writer's block and now I have to finish it. It's my first AU, please be kind :P

Let's jump right in.***


"I brought the last round!" Camila whined, letting her head fall dramatically face first onto the table.

"Using my card!" Lilith scowled at her, "Like every single time tonight."

"I can't help that you make so much more money than me..." Camila lifted her head, putting on her best doe eyes, "Lili... pleeeaaaase?"

Beatrice watched them with tired amusement.

She had spent every waking minute of the last two months studying for the final exam of the Acadamy's Detective program, which had finally happened earlier today, and it had taken its toll. But no matter how much her bed was calling to her, Beatrice knew she would have to stick it out for at least a couple more hours tonight. It was a celebration of her freedom from study after all, and she doubted there would be much sleep to be had anyway, not knowing how the results of today would determine the rest of her life.

Lilith folded her arms, "Don't you 'Lili' me, Camila."

Camila's mouth opened to reply but Beatrice stood before she could, "I'll get it."

She loved them, but desperately needed a break from the constant bickering.

"But you're not drinking?" Lilith frowned up at her.

Beatrice shrugged; she didn't really enjoy drinking; she hated the feeling of being out of control. Her sobriety unfortunately always relegated her to the role of taxi driver on nights like tonight.

"I feel like a ginger beer."

Lilith searched her face a moment longer, she had always been uncomfortably perceptive at reading Beatrice's emotions, before nodding, "Alright."

"Yay!" Camila cheered, pumping her fist in triumph.

"But..." A smirk grew on Lilith's lips as she watched the celebration, "... she gets the next one."


Leaving them to their arguing, Beatrice made her way across the room towards the bar.

Camila and Lilith had been her best friends for years. Lilith was her partner, a beat cop like herself, but unlike Beatrice wanted to stay working the streets rather be tied down in an office solving crimes. They'd met Camila on their very first day at the central precinct. The curly haired woman was a junior forensic scientist, the precinct's rising star, and literally friends with everyone. She flitted from person to person at work like a butterfly tasting flowers. That was until something about them, or Lilith specifically, had drawn Camila in and kept her around, adding a third to their little friend group.

The will-they won't-they of the whole thing drove Beatrice crazy. And despite Camila's unique ability to break through Lilith's tough exterior and Lilith often turning Camila into a flustered mess anytime she teased her, in private they both insisted they weren't interested in a relationship with the other.

Beatrice sighed, really her friends were just idiots, hopefully one day they might get their shit together long enough to realize they were perfect for each other.

Pausing to let a man carrying a tray laden with overflowing pint glasses cross her path, her eyes drifted over to the dance floor only to catch on the couple dancing together right in the middle. Well, dancing was probably not quite an accurate term for what they were doing.

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