Chapter 10, Who Are You

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(As you sun and moon started heading to the house a little ways out of town you were still scared about who the red hat-clown guy was...But for some reason, you felt as if there was still something missing Like a part of you was faded but you didn't know where to start...It seems as if those memories are fading every day. . . slowly...), Sun had walked ahead very excited to have YN stay with them...) Moon-. . .  Alright, what's wrong? YN- Huh?-I-Its Nothing... Moon- That's a lie. YN- . . . how would you know if I am lying or not...? Moon- You have been shaking while holding my hand, you can't tell me nothing's wrong...Plus given the mess you're in there is definitely something wrong so spill and we won't have to make this difficult. (As Much as you wanted to tell him the truth you felt as if you couldn't, like something or someone was making so you were unable to talk, Plus you still didn't trust them all the way...After all, you Did work with their enemy...) YN- M-moon Everything's fine there's nothing wrong... Moon- . . . Don't say I didn't warn you about what would happen... So, final chance is there anything that you want to talk about. . . (You stepped back...) YN- N-no...Moon I-im fine...(He grabbed you by your neck. Sun- MOON WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO HER!!! YOU NEED TO PUT HER DOWN!! Moon- YoU Sun- "gulps" Moon- T#H$ !$ betw-wew-we-n m-,e-,em a-an-nd H-e-r. (Moon started to glitch out just like he did back at the Mega Pizza plex When he asked if someone was alright. . . He lost control, over both his and their safety. This was one of the reasons why they had the daycare area blocked off entirely, no one was safe to be around him anymore...However, when Sun was there he calmed him down... Enough so he wouldn't lose it again...) YN- m-m-oon P-p-ut M-me d-d-down...Moon-G!^E mE-E, @ GO&*AM AN$W3EREERER..(YN's Thoughts- so this is it huh...This is how I die... ???-Let. Her. Go. Moon. Moon-...(He snapped back into reality when he heard his lord's voice) Moon- Y-yes Sir... YN- "Cough, Cough, Cough" Uhgg... W-who are you...(As you looked over, your eyes began to widen in terror...He was the one who was following you...But why you, why has he chosen to seek you out? (He takes a bow and offers his hand to help you up...You grabbed his hand as he began to hold you Bridal-style, You can't help but blush a little bit, but that still didn't distract you from the fact that he helped you, and yet he knows nothing about you...As the Animatronic rose to his feet sun and moon bowed down.) YN- W-who exactly are you? ???-We are Bloodmoon Ruler of the underworld of hell.(You just stood there...Overwhelmed with all of the information that you have been given...You started to tear up because of how much was happening at once...As you ran off Bloodmoon didn't even try to stop you..) Sun-Arn't you gonna run after her? Bloodmoon-No...She's got a lot to think about before she's ready for the truth... Moon- wait..So your saying that she's the... Bloodmoon-Yes...She is it well be quite shocking once she knows but its better to let all of the other things that have happened sink in...

YN- W-what's even going on anymore...I DO EVEN UNDERSTAND ANY OF THIS it's all so confusing...(You ran behind a building  crying tears streaming like a waterfall...,You just sat there trying to comprehend what all just had happened...)YN-Is this real...NO It CAN'T BE...its all a has to be...and if I just wake up I'll be perfectly fine...right|?...-P.S your co-workers name is galy-  Galy- Y-yn?! (She found you in tears and gave you a hug right away) YN- How'd you get here? Galy-I could ask you the same thing..YN- yea..good point...So why was the town deserted when I walked out to see everyone..? Galy- One of the lords had set a fire in the town and everyone had to evacuate immediately...So we all went to go and live in these apartments Thankfully The owner actually has a heart to let us all stay there...But that that's should get you all caught up on my side...What happened to you? YN- A lot happened and am still trying to process it all...YN-What happened with Lord Ec- YN- NO DON'T SAY HIS NAME, don't waste your breath...HEs caused me enough trouble as is...Galy- If you don't Mind me asking what happened... YN- I tell you then you need to promise you won't tell another soul...Galy- You have my word...(You lifted up your sleeve reveling the cursed mark on your skin) YN- He put a curse on me so no one else can try and claim me...And on-top of that he Ra^p^d me... Galy-. . . He is so dead for doing that to you...and are you sure there's no way of taking the curse of? YN-No he sealed it with magic so unless you know some voodoo magic or something there is absolutely no way of getting this off of me...Galy-Im sure there's a way! We just need to know where to start... . . . THE BOOK! (You said as you remembered reading about curse removals in the book...The only problem was that it was back at the cafe and the cafe was right next to the castle...) Galy- Book? YN-That's a whole new story, I'll get to that when am ready k... Galy-Sure...ok then but what is so important about this book? YN-THIS book id the key to lifting the curse.! We just need to find a safe what to get there...Galy-Come with me we can think about it in the apartment building k! YN- ok then..Thx.. Galy-Anytime!

Thats it for this chapter hope you enjoyed the twist that was added!

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