Deciphering the book, chapter 6

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As you sat there in the basement reading page for page.. Eclipse was trying different ways to get rid of the star but failed horribly... Eclipse:AHHHHHH! Why won't the star break this is the only way that I can get sun and moon off of my tail.... Then Lord Eclipse looked over at you. Hey are you almost done trying to decipher that book...y/n: this is a Eclipse: well.. yes you are my servant after all~he looked at you with a more I want you type of look but y'all both knew that if you didn't get the book deciphered in time then sun and moon might actually come in here and kill both of us but thankfully they didn't know where we were.*then as you were reading the book you stumbled upon something*y/n: Lord Eclipse I think I found something... Eclipse ran over to you and just stood there waiting in anticipation. Y/n: it says right here... What you seek for the star to be gone is a secret love song. (I know it's cheesy... I'm trying okay guys) Eclipse stared at the book.. and you looked at eclipse..y/n: well what type of Love song do you think it would have to be would it have to be a breakup or a just straight up lovey dovey song because I have no clue... Eclipse:I honestly don't know....*but in the back of the book were lyrics to a song that sounded like a love song but...unsure if it was or not.* Y/n: I found something! It's song lyrics... Eclipse: and..?how does it go? goes something like this...

Sorry it's short, but comment down what love song I should have ❤️✨p.s. go check out my channel Blood_lusty52 bye-bye

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