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"𝒑𝒍𝒆𝒂𝒔𝒆, 𝒑𝒍𝒆𝒂𝒔𝒆 𝒅𝒐𝒏'𝒕 𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒏𝒈𝒆"

                     -𝒋𝒖𝒏𝒈 𝒌𝒐𝒐𝒌

Coriolanus was still in the car, on the way home and he couldn't stop thinking about her. He realised that he has been to harsh. Grabbing her wrist like that was too much. It might've  even left a bruise. He was now angry at himself for ruining their night and hurting her like that. If someone else had done that he'd punch that person. He wanted to punch himself now.

How could he make her forgive him? He couldn't let her stay angry at him and not talk to him again. He should apologize. He then got the perfect idea. He was going to send her a bounqet of flowers with a letter.

As soon as he got home he started writing it. He knew that he could only send it tomorrow, which was alright because he knew that she needed to calm down or she won't even read it.

                          - ✦✦✦-

The next morning Coriolanus went to the florist and bought a bounqet of white roses. It was his Signaturen flower after all, he always wore one on his suit.

He gave the roses with the letter to a servant and had him take it to Ismene. He knew that she would only see it when she got home from University, but that was alright because he only had to write an assignment today for Dr. Gaul so they won't see each other at the University. This was good, because this way the next time they'll meet, she will have read the letter and forgiven him.
At least that was his plan.


Ismene was sitting at a mahagony table next to Clemensia, finally having some time to talk in the break.

"How was the dinner?" Clemmie asked, eager for some bits.

"The dinner itself was like what you'd expect from a dinner like this but I had a fight with Coriolanus." She sighed, looking at Clemensia.

"Oh really? You never really argue, what was it about?" Clemmie knew something serious was up beacuse her friend said his full name instead of the nickname she used.

"I went to the restroom and he came with me to show me where it is. He asked if everything was alright, and I told him that no, it wasn't because Sejanus' parents looked like they complete forgot about him. Then he started saying that he was a traitor and stuff like that. On the way home, he told me that I shouldn't say things like that in public and that he just wants to protect me and I got mad because he can't tell me what to do." Ismene explained yesterday's events, still convinced that she was right.

Clemensia of course noticed the Snow boy's possesiveness and wasn't suprised. She knew that he really wanted to protect her but he shouldn't have come off so controlling because he achieved the opposite this way.

"Jerk. He should know that you are perfectly capable of taking care of yourself and you're smart enough to know how to act like a Capitol Lady. Plus the way everyone forgot Sejanus is truly tragic." She said the last sentence in a low voice, so the others sitting around them couldn't hear.

"I know, right? I get it that he doesn't want me to be deemed as a traitor but I'm not an idiot. And he came off as if I was his property or something. Maybe what you said on Friday was right." Ismene said with a sigh. Coriolanus and her have been so close and she wanted to keep being his friend or maybe even something more one day. But what if they just weren't meant to be?

                          - ✦✦✦-

After her last lesson, she said goodbye to Clemmie and made her way towards the exit to go home.

"Miss Charmion, wait please. Do you have a minute?" Dr. Gaul called from behind her.

Ismene couldn't imagine what could she possibly want. She couldn't deny that the professor was a genius but the mutant animals she created were simply cruel and she always creeped her out.

"Of course, Professor." She turned around to face the woman and offered a polite smile.

"I found your essay quite interesting. I assume the idea was yours and not young Festus Creed's. He isn't such a bright mind, after all." She chuckled. "However, I didn't know that you thought about things like this. You could work in for me with this brillant mind of yours."

"Yes, it was my idea but of course Festus helped too. And no, I don't really spend time with thinking about the games. I happen to spend quite some time with Coriolanus so maybe that is why I came up with this." She wasn't lying, she never thought about the games in a good way.

"Oh, right, young Mr. Snow. He is a brilliant mind, isn't he? Shame that he doesn't trust you as much as you trust him." Dr. Gould said misteriously.

"Excuse me? What do you mean by that?" Ismene asked, bewildered. What did Dr. Gaul know that she didn't about Coriolanus?

"Hmm, let's see did he tell you that he was the misterious hero who got Sejanus Plinth hanged?" The pleasure was clear on her face, she loved to cause trouble and see how it will unfold. Everything was an experiment to her.

Ismene was at loss of words. How could he? So that is why he was so indifferent yesterday, he did it on purpose. Did he do it to earn back the Capitol's trust or just out of duty? It didn't matter to her, each way he betrayed his best friend who just wanted to help others.

"I have to go now, goodbye Professor." She mumbled and quickly exited the University before Dr. Gaul could say something else.

She got into the car and was looking at the window the whole time, thinking that Coriolanus was not who he used to be. It seemed like he now only cared for his own well-being and glory, even if it meant getting your friend killed.
She just wanted Coryo back.

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