Tell Me The Truth

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"What did you talk about with Alastor?" Vaggie was on the offensive due to her slight distrust of their only investor, which became heightened when she witnessed the aftermath of his deal with Murina. A deal that she refused to disclose but caused her to act more interested in him, and did drop some of the red suited sinner's walls even if he wasn't entirely aware yet. Her silver hair was indicatory of her relation to the Archangel but, it also stigmatized her among the elder angels and seraphim as well as the exterminators. Since her mother was the first reformed sinner and her existence was hidden, but she had fallen in love with the Archangel while under his protection. Resulting in the birth of Heaven's only princess and Lucifer's god child, Murina. "It only concerns the Radio Demon, Vaggie. Besides, I don't have to explain myself to you or Charlie...even if we are friends." Her eyes briefly turned black with her purple irises turning cat eyed, blue tint growing stronger as she threatened her fellow manager. 

"How is someone like you related to that fountain of sunshine I call my girlfriend?" Murina started to walk away tentatively,  as her eyes returned to their regular purple with light blue tint. Face mischievous as she smirked at her, "Because....technically...I'm not." Vaggie's jaw dropped as she was left processing the ambiguous sentence, her drop of the dime personality switch from cool-headed leader of a rebellion, to a threatening force that could kill Lute in one go with Adam. "What even is that girl?...." She breathed out as the tension she didn't know she was holding, had left her body so quickly that her legs were wobbly from the surprise of the feeling. "I know you're two bit hack." Muri had been walking down the streets of hell calmly, but sensed that a drone owned by the Television Overlord was watching her due to her relationship, that she had formed purely for contractual gain. "Tell that bald ass boy toy of yours to stay the fuck away from my friend, while you're at it." Her eyes went cat again with dark grey sclera, "You don't want me to stir up that pretty little toddler tower of yours." 


"Alastor?" Her head had poked through a small crack in my open door, but she was unfazed by my eating some dead deer meat unlike that girlfriend of Charlie's. To be fair, not only had my life as a human been tough because of my difficulty of finding someone who understood, but because of the fact that the corporeal world had moved on from radio. With most mediums according to a news column by Firael Desiel, being reduced to news and repetitive music stations. The majority of the stations moving to become a podcast on the internet, because of the declining opportunity in radio stations and shows. My blood did boil when I first learned from the same column that, television had indeed surpassed popularity polls against radio. "Did you need something, Muri?" Her mesmerizing purple eyes had blinked as she used her power, to tie up her hair which had been down. "Um....well..." Her black hair buns seemed to dip down like sad puppy ears, "....Can I have a hug?..." Physical contact was something that I despised normally, even while I was alive with the few admirers I had once I landed my radio job. Her begging cat eyes were very adorable though and I did fond her cat like features, more endearing than I would like to verbally admit to the others. 

"Come here." Opening my arms toward her awkwardly, she scurried over quickly and slowly leaned against me with a bit of an awkward movement. "Thanks....Al." Her body seemed to relax as she let go of whatever stress she was carrying, though a wicked smile did cross my face at the thought of what the sorry sucker who messed with her looked like. "I had to deal with Valentino because he almost tricked Charlie." Her aura grew a bit dangerous as she recalled what happened at that moth's den, "Tell me about it......slowly." 

[Ten Minutes Earlier]

"Charlie back away from him, now." The blonde was confused as her silver haired friend had growled, eyes not cat like as her hair fell down from her neat pony with her black streaks appearing, as she inched closer to Valentino. "Stay the fuck away from my cousin, you fucking disaster of a manipulative two trick turning pimp." Dark red-grey horns started to protrude from her head as, wings were revealing themselves to be demonic like a succubus's from the lust ring, the very same traits that she despised about herself. "How dare you, you fucking bitch!! I'll make you my whore!!!" He tried to charge her as Vox who had just arrived on the floor, held the abusive moth sinner back as he could sense the pure murderous intent, that the heavenly princess was exuding.  "Let's just talk this out, Princess." Vox had added the title respectfully in order to calm down Murina, who was defensively standing in front of Charlie with her wings slowly dissipating. Albeit the threat was still existent because of her eyes not reverting, and Vox could not handle anymore damage to the building after Valentino's last rant/rage session, which destroyed half of the building's interior.

"Don't come near us." Her eyes glowed with demonic power, as she ushered out Charlie before her with aggressive nudging. Turning to face Vox one last time, "Again." Trotting out like nothing happened, Vox slumped while holding himself up using Valentino's director's chair, both of them now realizing the power difference between the two princesses. Now back to the present where Alastor is somehow entertaining Murina's hug request, "And....that's what happened." There was a feeling of pride surging through Al, as he listened to how she effortlessly intimidated the Vees into realizing how weak they really were, since the incident with the nephilim had only proved Carmilla's criticism of the Vees during the overlord meeting. "That sounds like it was a lot." His hand slowly raised as he glanced at her hair, "You handled it perfectly though. As expected of our associate manager." She glanced at his face, "You're just saying that to be sarcastic, Al." 

Alastor usually found humor in one's self-deprecation and self- confidence issues, but to see his contractual partner do that to herself on purpose made him feel oddly irked, and that sensation in of itself was like an up and coming overlord trying to challenge his reputation. The sensation of his walls being broken down was not pleasant, and it was hard for him to make sense of it due to thinking he would never find the right partner even after death. "I'll take care of this." "I don't need help." "An alliance with wannabes like you would drag me down." That was a strong core of his beliefs that underlie, beneath his sadistic and murderous nature. '...What to do...with....this...' His eyes glanced down as he noticed that Muri had fallen asleep, "......heh....."

Angel, What Angel? [Hazbin Hotel] [Alastor x Nephfilim Character]Where stories live. Discover now