Painful Memories

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"Vaggie, you know how we finally are ready to open for our fundraising banquet in order to shove it in Adam's face?" Charlie asked as she gazed in awe at her girlfriend's outfit (I make them cute lol)

"Vaggie, you know how we finally are ready to open for our fundraising banquet in order to shove it in Adam's face?" Charlie asked as she gazed in awe at her girlfriend's outfit (I make them cute lol)

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(Got this from a friend on deviant art)

"Yes...?" Vaggie responded hesitantly as Charlie quickly spoke, "I invited my parents and my cousin's family!" Vaggie gave her girlfriend a serious look as she nervously twiddled her thumbs under her girlfriend's domineering gaze, "You did what? You know that Murina and her mother Aurael are looked down upon here since one's a Nephilim and the other is a former demon that reformed before hell got even worse. Then she married the Saint Archangel Michael."

Vaggie continued as she smoothed out the wrinkles on Charlie's dress, "Not to mention Murina is a bit....crazy compared to most other angels, granted she's partially demonic as well as angelic. Are you sure you'll be able to handle her?"

 Are you sure you'll be able to handle her?"

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(Credit in the pic)

Charlie shook her head while worriedly stating, "I understand that she's a little off the walls sometimes, but if she shows up it will make a convincing argument for us. Adam won't be able to reject if his own boss approves of my idea to strengthen our strained relationship with Heaven."

Vaggie froze at the mention of Adam, having been on terrible terms with him even as an exterminator due to his misogynistic personality, which drove Charlie's mother away when she was still a human. "I mean, yes we need to improve Hell's relationship to Heaven but even if Michael comes to the fundraiser, Adam won't back down so easily if I know him as well as I remember."  Vaggie then listed off as Adam's flaws, as Charlie curled in on herself from the sheer stress of dealing with the angel by herself. Not to mention, her unreliable cousin who had no qualms about using force to shut people up for a few hours, even of it was someone as respected in Heaven as Adam. "...I'm doomed..." Vaggie panicked as Alastor walked in with his suit a bit more classy that usual, with some bloodstains removed in certain places, "Well now, what's wrong with our dear charming demon belle?"

"She's stressed because she invited her family from heaven." Alastor's eyebrow perked up at the thought of meeting the Saint Archangel Michael and his wife, the former great Hell pornstar Asteroidal, but mostly due to the thought of meeting their daughter Murina Demiurgos. A being whom was both demon and angel in one, and surely someone he should acquaint with before she hears of his past conquests. Which landed him to the job of overseer he had now, "Perk up, darling! I'm sure everything will be great! Just keep smiling and you'll never feel naked in front of people!"

Charlie gave a weak smile as Alastor made his way towards the door opening it to the knock that he heard, and with a swoosh of air revealed Murina with family in formal attire, "I've arrived, Charlie!!!" She announced as her half black and half white hair in an elegant romantic evening bun lost a few strands from the bundle, but her demeanor and appearance heavily resembled that of a person's rather than a demons. The only exception being her visible blue to purple gradient eye having black sclera rather than white, "Did you miss me, my favorite cousin?"

Charlie perked up a bit though her uneasiness was well into her behavior, as she awkwardly walked up towards her cousin who bear hugged her instantaneously, "I missed you so much, Char!! You have no idea how boring heaven is without Vagatha there!" Charlie looked up from her bust and at her face which for once, which at least showed some form of sincere emotion as she released her cousin dramatically flopping away, "Mother and Father, I will excuse myself to go spend time with Charlotte." Clapping her hand after her parents walked towards where the guests were gathered, she calmly asked, "Anyhow, how are you and the hotel doing? Father's been raving about how the few demons you have booked in, have family who are eagerly awaiting them in Heaven."

Charlie didn't get a chance to respond as Murina greeted Kee Kee, Razzle and Dazzle, Nifty, Husk and glanced at Alastor. "Anyway, I think I'll be staying in Hell for a while. Too many stuck up snobs in Heaven if you know what I mean." Roaming around after Charlie lost sight of her cousin, Vaggie began to but heads with Angel Dust who made a lewd comment, regarding Murina's figure and bust size in comparison to Lilith's from official pictures of the Queen of Hell. "Don't say something like that about Murina, she's not a hooker! She's the princess of Heaven, a person it equivalent stature to my amazing girlfriend!!" As the demons argued, Murina snuck off to a balcony that was attached to the room Charlie was going to let her stay in, "Honestly I wish I could legitimately stay in hell so I wouldn't have to hear, the heavenly church's ceremonial bullshit every day. I only told Charlie that because she needs someone strong to help her, aside from that overlord." She morphed her bracelet into the gemstone Seviathan had given her, as an apology for letting her down when cheating on her with Charlie and vise versa with her cousin, "Pain never really goes away, does it? That bastard still has the nerve to look me in the eye after everything he did."

Alastor secretly snuck up from behind her, "Well, that's subjective isn't it? Pain can be inflicted at any time be it what you're feelin right now or short term physical pain that can happen at any time! So really, what's the difference?" He asked as she turned around with her looking away rather bitterly towards the distant hellscape, "The difference is that one of those can be avoided if you say no but the other happens even if you say no. Sometimes even the first happens if you say no too, so I don't even know." He got closer to her his nose nearly touching hers, "Then why do you still hold such a pain so closely to your heart, when you know the cause is far too gone to cure it?"

Her eyes blinked in confusion as he released her, and turned on his heel with his cane preparing to enter now that the fundraising was about to start, "Until next time, my dear angelic belle." He bowed then left as she stared at where he left rather blankly, though something rather fluffy was squirming inside her as she thought of what he just did, "Alastor......he's that dangerous radio demon right? So then heart shouldn't go through this again. Not again..." The moon illuminated her face as she expressed the pain she felt with a defeated look. 'Just why do I have to go through this every single time...'

A/n: So Info for Murina will be posted after I get the art done with Sabrina.

Thanks for reading! - Vicki

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