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Can't believe it's already being a year since I started this story 🥳🥳🥳🥳

The twins decided to pay their recently castrated father a visit . It was not a good picture for either Mortez or Wednesday having to see their father beging glass donning an orange jump suit.

       The twins watched as Thing pressed himself against the glass missing the Patriarch. Gomez responded placinghis hand on the glass trying to feel the hand as if the glass did not exist to either .

       Seeing his father in such a condition riled Mortez from within . He was tempted to do something heinous towards the sheriff but knew he couldn't act too impulsively.

     "My little tormenta,  my little leige" Gomez greeted his children , " how's your mother?"

     Mortez shook his head , "already mourning for you as we speak. She's in heart break and completely devastated father she is worried.". Seeing his father  in a similar state of disposition was just as pitying for him to bear. Although he hoped to see his parents being apart from each other's grip - this wasn't how he wished it.
         " She hates you in orange." Wednesday added. She could see both her parents were going insane by the torture of separation. The ravenette did her best not to roll her eyes.  She would never be in such a situation. She down right rejected the idea of an individual's absence making her pathetic.

        She looked at her twin and decided it was time to press their father ," I caught her laying a rose on a grave earlier today. The headstone read "Garrett Gates." The very boy you've been arrested for murdering. Care to explain? "

    Mortez noticed his father was heshstaht , " Father. You needed to tell us the truth. No more secrets. Please." His voice was courteous and sincere but with just the right hint of persuasion and subtle manipulation of coercing.

Gomez sighed and looked at his beloved twins , "Garrett was infatuated with your mother. He mistook her kindness for interest. His infatuation turned into obsession, and he started stalking her."

         "The nerve." Mortez was offended, of course he wasn't surprised she had prospective suitors in the day his mother was like a Venus fly trap. But he was offended some guy had an obession with her.

      Wednesday on the other hand just listened carefully , "Why didn't you call the police? "

              "We tried. But his family were the oldest and richest in Jericho. No one believed us. "

   "Of course." Mortez wasn't surprised , given its founder, the town of Jericho was filled with most of its residents being prejudice and spiteful towards the outcast community. Even the police department were bigots.

        "Garrett's father, an outcast-hating bigot, was furious that your mother had accused his only son."

       Wednesday although pokerfaced on the outside was livid on the inside. Her father's words reminded her of Crackstone and the vision she and Mortez had seen. She didn't understand  why Nevermore was situated in a place that hated outcasts.

"It all came to a head the night of the Rave'N Dance. Your mother and I stepped out to catch our breath."

            Mortez raised a brow and cringed  , "by out of breath do you mean you used the opportunity to get away from the party with the so purpose  cling to each other like you always do ."

        "I would prefer  not to  know the all the  details ." Wednesday stated knowing her twin brother was most likely right.

   Gomez smiled for a brief moment before he contuined with his explaination , "And that's when I saw him. He had broken into the school. His twisted love for your mother had made him insane. His eyes bore into me, brimming with murderous intent."

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