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          The twins were currently being driven by the principal , the tall woman giving them both a reprimanding look and a lecture of their escape of what Mortez was for twenty minutes by now . He rolled his eyes , while Wednesday looked very indifferent .

                The younger Addams' thoughts were still lingering on what she had seen. When was Tyler going to attempt to kill her? As much as the idea of being ripped open by a monster entertained her very much , she would want to discover what would lead him in trying to murder her. The most plausible suggestion was it was his way of retribution for some torture she might have inflicted on him.

                 It wouldn't be the first time someone tried to get back at her for her torture techincs. Mortez and Pugsley had done their share , yet again those were her brothers. Anyone who tried to get back at her either withdrew at the last minute or simply lacked the courage to act on it.

           Weems sighed and looked at the twins in the review mirror , "Your first day and you’re already on Sheriff Galpin’s radar.Wish I could say I was surprised."


              "What did he mean about our father?" Wednesday asked.

                "Precisely , he seems very convinced our father of all people would be capable of murder." Mortez frowned , he loved his father but boy was the man way too much of a softie to actually commit murder; sure Gomez was a swindler , crook , a fan of bloody crime scenes  and most importantly idolizing Morticia , but murderer wasn't part of his character profile.

             There wasn't a heinous bone in Gomez Addams' body. And even if he did commit murder , Mortez was certain their mother  would have bragged about it - talking about each other's respective flaws was something his parents loved to passionately express outloud.

             "I have no idea," Weems licked her lips , but that caused both twins to get suspicious - the Headmistress clearly knew something and based on the little interaction she gave the sheriff , there was some history that occured in the past involving their father.

                   Wednesday decided to interograte her father before running away again , she was sure she could get the man to squeal any secrets he was trying to bury . But that would be a challenge if her mother was hovering over him . Getting their parents alone from the other was not feasible , and it would be most likely if her mother's Snoopy nose  smelled  a sniff from Weems' about what her and Mortez learnt from the sheriff , Morticia would keep an eye on Gomez even more .

              Their mother was never  intimidated by Wednesday's threats and the goth was sure their mother would want whatever skeletons they were hiding to still be buried.

        Maybe  Nevermore wasn't as boring as she thought to be .

      "But a word of advice." Larissa Weems looked at both twins sternly  , "Stop making enemies and start making a few friends.You’re going to need them."

                   To that , Wednesday rolled her eyes while Mortez doubted it. He may have met Allen again , but knowing his twin , she was planning another escape mission and he needed to be at her side. Friend making wasn't in his schedule yet again it wasn't as if he had real friends (apart from Allen of course )
                 They passed an accident scene and the twins' recalled the truck - it belonged to that prejudice normie farmer.
         " Looks like an accident. I hope the driver’s okay." Weems said as they passed by. A very malicious smile , one Mortez rarely let out - one that was so unrecognizable even for Wednesday herself who had it seen it before , crossed his face. The older Addams twin took pleasure that the man's death came true as Wednesday's vision predicted.

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