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Ok , the mental picture of Mortez and Wednesday in their respective Poe Cup costumes is so adorable


              It was the morning of the dreaded Poe Cup and although Mortez would usually delight in awaking at 03:00 am , the eldest child of Morticia and Gomez was experiencing anguish. He really begun dreading his decision of helping Ajax immediately the two had to go to Xavier's room for a team briefing.

               Mortez seriously wondered who the heck nominated  Xavier as captain of the Jokers. The optimistic yet sadistic Addams knew Xavier was chosen mainly for the role owing to  his last name and  popularity in the school and nothing relating to actual leadership skills.

                    "As we know Bianca and her team are masters of the water ," Connor said as Xavier nodded. Mortez had learnt that the werewolf was Xavier's new roommate. Although Mortez was absolutely loathing being in this room , he had to admit Connor was very fit if the muscles in his tank had anything to go by .

                "That's why we have to be careful with their boats. Bianca has alot of tricks. But this year is the year to beat her!" Xavier said as he looked at all the boys, minus Mortez ,  in the room who were kind of scared by him.

                      "You weren't kidding when you said this competition unleashes his dark competitive spirit." Mortez whispered to Ajax whose head was on the former's shoulder , the Gorgon clearly tired nodded using the other boy as a pillow.

                    "This is the first time , he and Bianca are competing against each other. They were always a ruthless power couple but now," Ajax yawned as Mortez took in what he said.

                 "Mortez , we're glad you're on the team." Xavier said with a smile and Mortez eyed the rest of the boys , only Connor , Ajax and a few others clapped .

                  "I'm only in this because Ajax asked me . And I want to see how blood thirsty everyone will be."

                  Connor snorted , "either way , the Jokers accept your help."

               "Let's get started with how the boat is designed." Xavier said as he clapped his hands and become a dictator , it was taking everything in Mortez not to snap and jam a pen in Xavier's knee. It was clear the only reason he wanted to win was to scorn his ex and honestly that was truly a pathetic reason .

                      Xavier assigned the roles of co-marksman to each of them , seeing Xavier and Ajax were both the captain and co-captain , Mortez was partnered with Connor and the rest followed in.

                      After two hours of contuinous repetition of ordered tasks , the boys went to their respective rooms. However before Mortez and Ajax could go in their room the latter spoke up.

                 "Hey Mortez. Do you want to check up on Jeri with me? I don't think we'll have time later in the morning."

                   Mortez cocked a brow , " is the infimary even open at 05:45?" Ajax shrugged and Mortez looked at his watch , " it won't be the first time my sleep pattern will be affected. Besides , I hope Jeri is still ill  and in a gruelsome condition , I need to study up close what garlic does to a vampire."

                "Right." Ajax said awkardly as they both made their way to the sick bay. Mortez's eyes lingered on Tyler's room , the half human-half outcast was allocated to Briton Hall - Allen's dormitory . Mortez spared a glance at Tyler's closed door before proceeding with Ajax.

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