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Namjoon and Jungkook walked on either side of Jimin, helping the boy walk as they made their way back through the tunnels. Dowon was in front, leading the way. The shaman was limping slightly, but thankfully wasn't badly hurt from the fall he made.

Jimin, however, had likely broken his leg and with the way his vision swayed and blurred, they figured he was seriously concussed as well. They wouldn't let him walk by himself. Namjoon even offered to carry him on his back, but Jimin had just laughed and shaken his head, saying something about how he knew Namjoon had hurt his back.

Now that the adrenaline was gone, Namjoon indeed felt his back burn more and more. He didn't care much about it, though. He wanted to get out of these tunnels, get back to their members.

When they went through the multiple doors and out into the street, a total of three ambulances were waiting there for them. There were police, there were paramedics all around the place, and a whole crowd watching and trying to figure out what had happened.

"Hyung, I don't see Taehyungie-hyung," Jungkook said. His eyebrows were set in a deep frown as he peered through the crowd.

"Maybe he's already inside one of the ambulances?" Namjoon softly suggested, also looking around trying to find one of their friends. That's when he spotted Hoseok at the back of one of the ambulances, talking to a few of the paramedics. The dancer seemed to be speaking frantically, taking glances inside the ambulance every few seconds.

"Hobi is over there, let's go!" Namjoon said, and helped Jimin walk along with Jungkook.

"He looks stressed, hyung," Jimin said.

"It's probably fine," Namjoon replied absentmindedly, focused on the way Hoseok seemed to be panicking. Was it Yoongi inside the ambulance? His eyes widened and he turned to Jungkook and Jimin. "O-Okay, wait here, I'm gonna find out what's going on. Dowon-ssi, please stay with them."

"What about- wait-" Jungkook tried, but Namjoon had already taken off and Jungkook and Jimin were both softly held back by the shaman, who calmly started talking to them to lessen their worries.

Namjoon hurried to Hoseok, who spotted him and let out a relieved sound.

"Namjoon-ah! You're here! Thank god, oh my god, how did- did everything...?" he struggled to find the right words in the presence of the paramedics. He couldn't outright ask about the demon, of course.

"We fought Taehyung's attacker," Namjoon said with a knowing look and side-eye to the paramedics, to which Hoseok nodded.

"Right, t-the attacker!"

"Yeah, he put up quite the fight. Jimin is hurt the most, Jungkook's arm is... not looking good. But they'll be alright, I'm sure. What's the deal here, why do you look so panicked?" Namjoon asked, putting a hand on Hoseok's shoulder in an attempt to calm him down and get him to look at him, instead of glancing at the ambulance the whole time.

"Y-Yoongi-hyung, they won't let me ride the ambulance with him," Hoseok said, giving the paramedics an accusing look. The man and woman had their lips in a thin line, not budging one bit.

"Is he okay?" Namjoon asked, then turned to the paramedics. "Why can't someone ride with Yoongi?"

"Our staff needs their space tending to Min Yoongi. He is just as hurt as your friend who the ambulance was called for, so we had to bring in more help, especially after Hoseok-ssi explained that a group of you were fighting in there. Adding to Yoongi-ssi's injuries, he was in a state of panic once your friends appeared from the tunnel. We had to give him something to calm him down, and we are slightly worried about his vitals."

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