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Yo I had no clue what I was writing here, please excuse this weird-ass chapter XD


It was exactly the crowd they had been looking for. A place where they could get lost in and disappear from the eyes of the two guards that had come with them. The guards were there for their safety, of course, but they did not need them to know where they were going.

To Jungkook's left was Namjoon, who was staring into the distance. The leader's eyes were already in serious-mode, because he knew that the moment to run was nearly there. Meanwhile, Jin was chatting with the guards, making sure their nervous silence wasn't noticeable.

"Boys, I don't think it's a good idea to continue walking this street. It seems to get more crowded the further we go. There must be another way to your family's house."

The guards tried to reason with them before, but they hadn't listened. The three boys were glad that the guards hadn't questioned yet why they were visiting family in Seoul. Almost everyone knew that most of them weren't from this city. Luckily it wasn't usually in a bodyguard's job description to ask such questions.

Now that they were close to where the crowd got thicker, people started to recognize them as well. First, it was only whispers and a few stares here and there, but now people were pointing at them and taking pictures from a distance.

"Sooner or later these people will start following you, we need to go back. Now," the guard said firmly, his hand already on Jungkook's shoulder.

Namjoon knew they had to think of something right now. Something to distract the guards and give them an opportunity to run.

Somehow the first thing that came to mind was faking himself tripping. He fell over, catching himself with his hands, but he hissed as they scraped the concrete.

"Namjoon-ah, be careful!" Jin exclaimed, knowing exactly what he was doing by yelling his name so obviously.

More people turned to look at them now, and a few people even squealed when they recognized the three boys.

Jungkook went to help Namjoon back to his feet and as soon as Namjoon stood straight again, he looked Jin and Jungkook dead in the eyes.


Without taking another look at the guards, they dug in their heels and sprinted off through the crowd. People were screaming their names, and the crowd was getting more suffocating, but they pushed themselves through. The guards were hot on their trail, yelling at them to come back and stop running, but that only spurred them on to run faster.

With Namjoon in front, they made their way through the crowd, having to dodge a few handsy fans as well who reached for Jungkook, but the maknae just yelled out an apology and ran away from their grasp. There were confused murmurs all around them and everyone was looking around, wondering where the three boys were running from.

"Namjoon-ah, take a left here!" Jin yelled when they reached a t-junction.

The three of them almost comically turned on their heels and sprinted to the right, giving them the opportunity to look the way they came from and see the guards almost stuck in the crowd that was watching them.

"It's working guys!" Namjoon exclaimed. "Keep going!"

Their legs kept going and with their stamina they could've gone for even longer, but they reached their first destination soon as they disappeared into another street, away from the crowds now and out of sight from the bodyguards.

This first destination, which popped up in front of them, was a small church, almost hidden away in the small street. They had wanted to go to a hidden church rather than a big fancy one, knowing that in there it would be easier for someone to recognize them. They didn't want to attract even more unwanted attention.

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