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A little short, but I wanted to update~


Staying in the safe house was worse than the members had imagined. They had disliked the idea at first because they wouldn't be able to look for Taehyung, but after a few days of terror, they fully regretted not thinking about the fact that they would be locked inside with a demon.

And a hungry one at that.

They had managed to keep the guards in the dark about what had happened whenever the fake Yoongi was in the mood to 'play', as he called it... but it was ruining their sleep and they all looked like zombies, which did gain the attention of the guards. Reasoning that the members were not feeling well due to one of their friends missing was enough to get the guards off their backs, luckily.

"I don't think I can do this anymore," Hoseok said after three days, crying but doing so as quietly as he could.

"It will be okay, hyung," Jungkook tried to comfort him. He was also tearing up, hating it whenever one of his hyungs cried. It was as if he could feel everything his brothers were feeling whenever they were upset.

They were having a 'secret' meeting in Jimin and Jungkook's bedroom, whispering as softly as they could so the demon wouldn't hear them from where it was watching tv. They were discussing what to do to make sure there wouldn't be another day filled with terror, but thus far they hadn't come up with a good idea. The past few days they had failed to distance themselves from the demon, to hide, or to fight it. What else could they possibly do?

"We need to exorcise the shit out of this thing," Jimin said, his hand on Hoseok's shoulder. He had been hugging Hoseok before that, trying to comfort his hyung the best he could, but now it was time to come up with a plan and make sure they got rid of this problem once and for all. "Hobi-hyung, didn't you say you went looking for a shaman or whatever before we went to this place?"

Hoseok sniffed and nodded, wiping the tears from his eyes with his arm. "Found a few. If we want to meet up with any of them, we'll have to tell one of the guards that we want to go outside, and we'll need a good reason."

"Or we need a fake reason and ditch the guard in a crowd," Jungkook said, not opposed to lying to the guards if it would help them save Yoongi and Taehyung.

"Yes, I also think that's best. We can't possibly have a guard with us when we meet with a... a shaman," Namjoon said, still a bit weirded out by the word, as he never used to believe that what shamans did was real. But obviously Namjoon's atheist point of view had changed.

"We also need to look for Taehyung and Yoongi," Jin said. "They're still god knows where. Somewhere underground even, wasn't it?" he asked, looking at Namjoon and Jimin, who both nodded.

"Then should we split up?" Jungkook asked. "Two of us go to the shaman and three go looking for Taehyung?"

"Is it really a good idea to split up...? What if... what if those three of us find Taehyung and Yoongi-hyung and... and the demon is somehow there? We can't possibly fight it three against one... I mean, six against one didn't even work..." Jimin said, thinking back to how utterly powerless they had been when the demon came for Taehyung.

"We'll need something to defend ourselves with..." Namjoon mumbled. "What could hurt a demon?"

"Holy water," Hoseok said.

Jin snorted. "No, but for real."

"I am for real! Holy water should hurt demons!" Hoseok said, his whisper turning a little louder, so Jin smacked him on the shoulder and hissed for him to be quiet, completely ignoring the fact that Hoseok had been a crying mess only a minute ago and needed to be comforted and not hit. Jimin thus gave Jin a sharp look, to which Jin quickly mumbled an apology. It was not the time to get Jimin angry.

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