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An alarm clock was never something that could wake Jungkook up in one go. It either took him multiple loud alarms or his hyungs waking him up, otherwise he would stay asleep the entire day.

Well, usually.

This morning was a little different. After what seemed like quite a good night's rest, Jungkook woke up with a yawn.

Immediately, he was confused.

He was not in his own room. His own room had just one bed and most of all, it was filled with his things. This room was definitely not his, and when he took a closer look at his surroundings he realized this was the room Jin and Yoongi shared. Jungkook shot a glance at Jin's bed, but found it empty. That was normal, Jin was usually one to wake up early, or at least earlier than most of them.

Jungkook tried to remember how he had gotten here. If he'd had a choice, he definitely would've slept in his own bed. Sometimes, even after having a few drinks (a few too many?) with Jimin in his and Hoseok's room, Jungkook would stumble back to his own room. What could've gotten him to stay here?

Still puzzled, and with a frown on his face, Jungkook pulled the covers off of him and his eyes widened. Okay, now he was thoroughly confused. He was still wearing the same clothes as yesterday! That almost never happened. Either he would wear pajamas, or he would just sleep in his underwear. He absolutely hated sleeping in clothes he'd worn the entire day.

My head feels fuzzy too, Jungkook thought to himself.

He walked out of the bedroom, making his way to the living room. As expected, Jin was already awake and chilling on one of the sofas, while Namjoon and Hoseok were in the kitchen making some breakfast for themselves.

"Morning, hyungs," Jungkook greeted tiredly, stifling a yawn.

"Hey, Kookie," Namjoon replied with a grin. "Slept well, huh?"

Jungkook was a little confused, until he saw Namjoon gesture at his hair. Jungkook opened his phone to look at the front camera and laughed. His hair was sticking up in all directions and especially the back of his head looked rather funny.

"Wow, I look like an anime character." Jungkook laughed, which sparked Hoseok's interest and made him look at the maknae. Of course the elder burst out laughing at the sight of Jungkook's messy bedhead.

"Thanks, hyung," Jungkook said with another laugh, trying as well as he could to fix his hair a little, but giving up when it just wouldn't stay put. He'd just have to use some hair products later.

"So, I have a question," He said, plopping on the couch next to Jin and annoying him by nudging him with his foot.

"Yah, it's too early for that." Jin already complained.

Jungkook laughed. "For what? Asking questions? Hyung, maybe you're getting old, you can't keep up with me." When Jin didn't laugh, Jungkook sighed and flashed him a smile. "I wasn't going to ask you something weird. I just wanted to know if you remember why I slept in Yoongi-hyung's bed last night."

Hoseok walked to the couch opposite of them and sat down with a bowl of food. "Right, because Yoongi-hyung slept in Namjoon-ah's bed. I didn't even question it when I saw him there...I'm not sure why...?"

Namjoon sat down next to him. "I know. He and Taehyung came asking me if I could sleep in Jungkook's bed, because Jungkookie had fallen asleep in Yoongi-hyung's bed."

"But why." Jungkook pressed. "I don't understand why I didn't just fall asleep in my own bed. And wasn't I going to game with Taehyungie-hyung? Did I even do that?"

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