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TW/CW: heavy descriptions of a fight, injuries, and mentions of a cartel (?)

Wc: 2110

Comment any ideas/concerns here. I'm always open to ideas that could further in the plot. If you want to text me privately, text me on here, or add my Discord:

Have a good day/afternoon/night!

I was at a loss for words. Before I could even begin to be scared, anger started to rise in my throat. I could feel the sheer grasp of reality slipping away. My sanity was at stake simply because of him existing. Everything that I suspected was true. He knew that too, my facial features and the small shakes that came from my fists.

"Uh.. yeah, actually. This situation is kinda stupid'er something or another. Imma just go home." Payne said. His thick county accent was a starting surprise, but I digress. He booked it towards the elevator.

Before even I knew what I was doing, I leaned over a broken chair. My hands stretched out in front of me, and wrapped around his waist. We both tumbled to the floor in front of the Elevator. His hand reached out for the buttons, desperately grabbing at air.

Veneer stood at the sidelines, a confused expression prominent on his features. I would be confused if a friend was suddenly jumping my other too.

I grabbed a fist full of Paynes hair, pulling his head back. "Why are you here?" Before I could get an answer, he brought his elbow back. It jabbed straight into my ribs, causing me to naturally let him go and recoil back. I expected him to run for the elevator again but he instead got up. I fell back onto the floor, but I was soon picked up.

Payne grabbed me by my wrists, basically throwing me further into the old room. My back hit harshly against the concrete floor, knocking the breath out of me. He slowly creeped towards me, huffing out. "You best watch yourself little lady." Before he could do anything else, I looked around me for anything that could help.

This side of the room was almost barren with anything. He tried to grab me, bending down at such a fast pace it caught me off guard. Despite that, I rolled out of the way. Raising my leg, I swiftly kicked him in the jaw. My heels missed. It hit him in the nose. I could have swore I heard a crack.

Instantaneously, blood poured from his nose. He looked pissed. I tried to crawl away, but the searing pain in my back halted me. It wasn't broken, but it sure fucking felt like it. I felt two hands grab my waist, hoisting me into the air. Before I could protest of protect myself, I was suddenly thrown towards the giant windows.

My breath caught in my throat, and I felt sick. My face smashed against the glass, and my body fell forward. I was teetering on the edge of the windowsill. Looking down, I could see the bustling city beneath me. If I fell, there was no surviving that. My judgement only got worse as I was suddenly pushed forward.

Looking up, I managed to grip onto the thin metal pole that separated the upper and bottom windows. My entire body was hanging out, and my grip on the pole was the only thing keeping me from falling. My breath was uneasy. I thought it was high before, but now it looks like a whole other dimension. The ring glass shards that were the distance memories of the past windows dug into the palms of my hands.

I looked up, Veneer was looking out the window in fear and Payne was right beside him. "Holy shit! Okay, uh.. [Name] are you okay?" Veneer started to panic.

"Yeah, I'm just fine. NO IM NOT OKAY!" I snapped out at Veneer, and on que the bar snapped in half. It bent downwards and out. I was now hanging on by the thin piece of metal that connected the window. If I moved even a bit, I was dead.

𝔎𝔦𝔰𝔰 𝔪𝔢 𝔟𝔢𝔣𝔬𝔯𝔢 𝔶𝔬𝔲 𝔤𝔬 (Velvet x Reader) (Trolls Band Together)Where stories live. Discover now