Chapter 4

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I used my telekinesis to choke her. I started sprinting toward the door. There was a giant thundercloud above my head. She was about to electrocute me. I ran outside as fast as I could. The cloud extended to the whole sky.

Lightning struck a tree. I got my mini-phone out of my pocket and started following the direction to where it pointed. I ran outside the hut just in time. She doesn't know where I am. She just created a thunderstorm.

I shouldn't use my mini-phone now. I should use it when the storm is over.

I started walking deeper into the forest. I was exhausted. It was night and I needed to find a place to rest. I collected a bunch of leaves and laid them down in rows. I laid down on the leaves and closed my eyes.

I was back at my mom's house. Jason and Mom were sitting outside in the backyard having a picnic. "Wow Jason, you are so funny!" she exclaimed. "I think I always was." He got up a cookie and gave Mom a bite. I remember this memory. It was 2034. I knew what was going to happen. I tried to tell myself not to move but I couldn't control my body. I opened the door and walked up to the picnic. "Hi, Jason! Hi..." I gulped. I looked into Mom's eyes. They were angry. Back then I was just a 6-year-old kid. Why was she so rude for no reason!?

I began to cry. "Oh don't cry," Jason said. He came to me and started comforting me. "UGH! GRACE YOU LITTLE BRAT! GO BACK INSIDE NOW!" she screamed. This was the first time she ever yelled at me in front of Jason. I remembered this day so well. This day traumatized me so much that it became a permanent memory.

"Jenny...That was so rude...what did she do? She's just a kid Jenny!"


I started hugging Jason. He is my only support. "Jenny! Have you gone mad!? You're yelling at a kid who is going through her parent's divorce! She has a hard life already, don't you DARE yell at her! Jason said.

Mom began to sob. "I am so sorry Jason...I was just stressed because of the divorce. I just wanted it to be just us." Mom only liked Jason for his money and looks. If he wasn't a good-looking famous actor Mom would've never been that sorry. Then she looked at me with disgust. "Sorry," she rolled her eyes. Jason didn't notice "See that's better."

The scene shifted into the evening when Jason left to film a scene in his new movie called A normal love story. Jason is usually in movies that have the genre of love or horror. I was so scared. I felt my mom grab my ear. "YOU COULD'VE MADE ME LOSE ALL THE MONEY I HAVE!" she yelled in my ear. She dragged me outside to the dumpster.

"You will be sleeping here from now onwards. If you tell anyone I put you here you will regret this!" she told me and left.

I was hungry. It was cold outside and my skin started to itch. The dumpster smelled and I didn't want to sleep near it. I started walking away from Mom's house. I went into a dark alleyway.

I saw a girl beating up a guy. "THIS IS WHY YOU DON'T TAKE WHAT'S NOT YOURS JERK!" she yelled. She grabbed the money from the guy's hand. I was horrified. The guy's head had a bruise and it was swollen. She started heading my way. What is she beat going me up to? I began to cry. The girl saw. She came up to me and started kneeling until we were face to face.

"Did you see that?" she asked. I nodded "Please don't hurt me. Please!" I cried. "Look, kid...I'm sorry you had to see that. That guy...He was bad. He stole my money so I gave him what he deserved." she told me. I looked up at her. Now that I know he was bad I felt a little more comfortable around her. "What's your name?" the girl asked. "Grace," I said. "Wow sick name, sounds...graceful."

She looked different than most girls I met. She had a punk style. Short boy-cut hair, A black Beanie with a skull, she had a nose piercing and a mouth piercing, she had black ripped jeans, and a gray shirt that says IDC.

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