Chapter 1

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Prologue: It was New Year's Eve, The New Year's Ball Drop in New York was about to begin. When suddenly, the ball exploded with nuclear gas. Millions of people died that day, but the people who survived got something extraordinary. They have an ability. It was normal at first until people with an ability used their powers for crimes. That's when the U.S. president declared everyone with the ability to be locked up until there are enough people with an ability to play a special game...

It was cold. The humans still left me locked up here for about 4 years. No humans have come here for a long time so far. They should come to bring us food. Sometimes they forget. I was hoping that they would give me some food by now. I still remember what they said when I first came here. "You might not like it but it's your new home so get used to it." I'm just like them, a human, it's just they treat me differently because of my ability. I hated it. Tomorrow the humans said I would be set free. I'm so excited, I can finally get out of this cold claustrophobic cell. Also, the humans taught me some reading and math. "Education is important" they would say. "Without it, this newer world wouldn't exist.'' Well, education is complicated but he was right. Luckily I'm advanced at it. I know more for my level (grade) or at least that's what they say.

Even though I know I should rest, I couldn't stop thinking about what the humans told me. I'm going to be set free. After 2 years of waiting, I can finally meet my friends again.

Honestly, I'm not excited to see my family. Ever since my mom and dad got divorced everything was a disaster. Mom wouldn't be so happy to see me. I usually call mom by her name, Rebecca. Me and my mom are not close at all, she hates me. She treats me nicely in front of her boyfriend but behind his back, she's a devil. She would always slap me for being the daughter of my dad. Mom's boyfriend was nice to me so that's why my mom was nice in front of him. Mom's boyfriend liked me since I was an only child. One time my mom threw a pot at me and my mom's boyfriend came and she acted as if I fell and she was helping me. On the other hand,

Dad would always cry because I look so much like my mom. Wavy brown hair (with blonde dyed bangs since my mom let me dye my hair and get bangs), hazel eyes, same height, literally everything. I got nothing from my dad's looks. Honestly, I don't want to go back home but it's better than being here in a prison.. Suddenly my eyes started to feel heavy and everything was black...

I was back in my dad's house. He was drunk on the couch talking about how he hates my mother. "Dad, are you okay?" He looked at me and he looked scared. "AHHH A RACOON!!" He screamed. Tears started to roll down my face. I felt so upset. My dad gave me so much love and he is always crying or drinking his beer when he thinks of Mom. I was such a good kid all my life, the moral stories said your life will get better if you're good. Well, moral stories are liars. "NO!!NO! Dad...I'm your daughter...Grace" I uttered. It was so hard to get the words out. " daughter?" I was so happy he realized but he looked angrier. He started coming closer. I put my hands over my head crying. The anger he felt was on himself..."I'm sorry Grace...I don't know what's wrong with me" He suddenly fell asleep on the ground. I burst into tears. Then...


I woke up to the sound of ringing. The door to my cell slid open. I saw a bunch of people, they looked like humans but some of them were using their special abilities. Are they just like me? I began to come out of my cell and squeeze into the crowd. Suddenly the crowd stopped moving. In the crowd there were a lot of people, most of whom were just like me. People like me, humans with an ability.

Everyone began talking to the person next to them, questioning them by asking "What's going on?" or "What's happening?"

I heard a voice but I couldn't tell where it was coming from. "Everyone calm down." the voice said. The voice sounded from a young man. Everyone fell quiet.

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