Chapter 3

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I went outside with a broom. If the bear attacks me I can use my telekinesis to move the bear away. Then the bear started to turn into a liquid. The liquid piled up and turned into a form of A Woman. She had brown pixie hair, blue eyes, she was tall and was about 30. I checked her tag. The tag had the number 764. I checked her tag again. She's A level 7!? "A child, this will be easy to kill her." Suddenly she turned into a lion.


I began to run. I used my powers to hold her down but that was using up to much strength. I got tired and released her. She jumped up to attack me. Luckily I ducked. I started running away from her again. I got my dagger out of my pocket.

It was in the middle of the night but I mustered up the energy to fight. I was prepared to attack her but suddenly she turned into liquid again. The liquid began to rise 12 feet and 40 feet wide. "ROAR!"

764 turned into a t-rex...I was too exhausted to use my powers. Only if I get to sleep on a bed maybe I could've used my powers to crush her with a tree.

I started to run as fast as I could. Adrenaline came rushing to me. I started climbing the first tree I could find. "ROAR!"

I was almost to the top but then...

The t-rex started biting the tree and pulling it with its mouth. I was holding the branch with my dear life and not letting go. I screamed so loud I think that I might have woken up at number 013 (which would be a good thing because she can help me), "Please let me live, please let me live!" I repeatedly pleaded to myself. I thought I was about to die when I suddenly got an idea. I used up my last piece of energy and used my telekinesis and focused on the vine below the tree. The tree was holding on but if I didn't act fast enough the tree would fall.

The vines started to surround the T-rex's feet. Then I used my telekinesis to pull the vine. T-rex let go of the tree and fell. I climbed down the tree as fast as I could. T-rex tried to get up but couldn't. Then the T-rex turned into a pile of liquid, then a fly, then back to liquid, then again, a tiger.


The tiger was coming to attack me but then...

I threw my dagger. It hit the tiger's shoulder. The tiger turned back to her original form, 764. Her eyes looked lifeless and her blood spilled. The grass around her turned red.

"Wow, you killed someone," 013 said without emotion or even care.

"W-what- you were there the whole time!"

"Well if you continued screaming you might as well wake up everyone here" she teased

Her blonde hair was all messy. She looked irritated as she was saying "did you have to fight so loud?"

"First of all, she was trying to kill me. Second-"

013 interrupted me, "But did you have to fight so loud?"

"If you were there couldn't you have helped me and the fight would've ended quicker!?

"I could've but that's too much effort."

I was irritated. I was just a 12-year-old fighting a 30-year-old woman when she was a level 7 and I'm just a level 6. "You did nothing..." I mumbled. I wanted to argue with her but then again she was a level higher than me so I could get murdered by her. "Come 538 you can either stand here or sleep but I'm sleeping." I looked back at the 764. I felt bad that I killed someone but it wasn't my fault. It was the guy in the black suit's fault.

He created the game in the first place and made us all fight to our death. I followed number 013 back to the hut. "I would rather be called Grace than 538," I told myself under my breath. I indeed like my real name more than a number but I don't want her to call me by my name, she doesn't deserve it.

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