Ch.3 | Things settled?

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"How would that even be possible? As much as I want to, I can't believe you if you're talking about the impossible..." Ms Romanoff finally said after a long time of silence.

"But I'm telling the truth! I don't even know how I got here, nor how to get back to my home. Please! You're my only hope if there even is a way back. What wo-" I started frustratedly, panicking, but was cut off by her trying to calm me down.

"Shh! It's okay. You're starting to have a panic attack, so I need you to take deep breaths. Follow my lead!" she demanded me, taking deep breaths, showing the calm movements in her breast.

Natasha's POV:

For some reason, it didn't seem to calm her down but on the contrary, it made her hyperventilate. And I thought I had seen everything. Her being tied down was making it even worse.

"I'll untie you if you stay in this room and don't try anything stupid, okay? Let me help you!".

As a reply she just nodded as good as she could, given her situation.

Immediately after she was completely untied, she wrapped her arms around me with her face hidden. Surprised by this action, I hesitantly put my arms around her and she slowly calmed down.

"You alright now, Детка?" (baby) I asked her pulling away.

"Yes, though I am truly sorry that you saw me like this. Something like that has never happened to me before, but I guess, it's just too much for me to apprehend. I'm scared!"

"It's okay Детка."

"What does «Деткa» mean?" she curiously asked me, but I lightly shook my head, chuckling at her pronunciation.

"You'll find out. The better you behave and cooperate, the sooner I'll tell you."

"O-okay. What now?" she shyly asked me.

I stayed quiet and thought: 'God, she's cute. Ugh, why am I thinking that again? I never show so many emotions...'

Y/n POV:

The silence was killing me, but at least there was less tension between us.

"How about you tell me your name. Or do you want me to keep on calling you Детка? I have no problem with that..." she began.

I sighed: "Okay, fine. My name is Y/n."

"That's a beautiful name. How about your last name?"

"Ugh, is it necessary? You won't find anything about me anyways..."

"Yes it is, now tell me!" she demanded with a serious expression on her face, her hands still resting on my shoulders.

"Y/l/n. Could we stop with questions now?"

"Alright, fine, but only because I need to do some more things today. Though I still have to cuff your hands, before we leave this room. And since you seem to have powers, I could ask Tony to give you a power damper. That should be enough protection and you wouldn't need any cell or handcuffs on top of it."

"Oh... uhm, okay" I said holding my wrists out for her.

She cuffed my hands carefully this time and led me out holding my arm loose, but tight enough that I couldn't wiggle it out of her grasp if I tried to.

We first went to the room where the party was before, only to find it completely destroyed with bruised Avengers here and there.

"I'm gone for less than an hour and find everything where you were in disruption. What the hell happened?" Ms Romanoff started, getting their attention.

"Some robot called «Ultron» broke in here, stole the scepter, gave a speech, and left. Oh, and he happens to be one of Stark's inventions" Mr Barton complained.

"I'll check the cameras. Now, Tony, do you have a power damper I could use?" (just so you know, they were only shortly in the medbay for bandages and went back to the «party room» a while ago) Ms Romanoff changed the topic.

"Yes, there is one on my lab table. You should know what it looks like. I think I know what you're gonna use it for and I'm glad about that because I don't want this" he says pointing at the bandages around his torso "to happen again"

"Sorry" I mumbled under my breath.

"If I give her the power damper, could she stay at a guest room, or if not, then at least in my room? She isn't a threat and we have other important things to take care of, so the more we trust her, the more we can concentrate on that Ultron robot." Ms Romanoff reasoned.

"Alright, she can stay in your room for now but you need to supervise her the whole time and if something happens, it's on you".

With that Ms Romanoff pushed me out the door to Mr Stark's lab.

When we arrived there, she took the power damper and ordered me to hold out my wrists again, so she could remove the cuffs and put the damper around the wrist on my dominant side, which she guessed, by the way.

"It's getting late, how about we go to my bedroom?" she asked me though it was kinda more of a demand. I just nodded.

Time skip to ten minutes later (I'm lazy)

When we finally arrived at Nat room after what felt like an eternity of turns and stairs, she showed me the bathroom and her walk-in-closet which she allowed me to use.

Nat's POV:

"What now." Y/n asked me, trying to hide a yawn.

"How about we change and then watch a movie."

"Sure, but what should I wear?"

"You can choose"

time skip fifteen minutes later

With us both laying against the cupboard next to each other, facing the TV, I ask her what to watch. Since she wanted me to choose, I just picked Brooklyn Nine Nine, since she would fall asleep soon anyways and it was my most recent one on my «continue watching» list. Oh, how I love that series.

I know that things here might be going a bit fast, but I don't have much time to write and I might be doing some big time skips, so make sure to have seen 'Age of Ultron' before reading this. If you have any ideas, please let me know.

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