Ch.8 | Hello again

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Continuing just where we left of. Y/n entering the meeting room.

Third person's POV:

Y/n opened the door and all eyes were completely focused on her, forgetting the argument that had been happening. Most of them looked like they saw a ghost, others could barely contain their excitement.

Y/n was the first to speak up.

"H-Hello... again", she spoke quietly, but not too quiet to not be heard.

"God Y/n, you're awake! I was so worried! How did you get out of bed?" exclaimed Nat who already rushed to the girl in the wheelchair to examine her, overprotective as she is.

"I-I" the girl began but was cut off by them all taking at once, obviously recovered from their trances.

"Are you hurt?"

"How come we haven't noticed you being awake?"

"When did you wake up?"

"Why didn't you just call us to you, instead of coming here by yourself?"

"Why didn't you wake up earlier?"

"How did you find this room?"

they all said, leaving the girl too stunned to speak.

"Who even are you?" said the secretary, who was really annoyed of the sudden disturbance in his meeting.

Again, before she could reply, Tony said: "Meet Y/n. She's our newest Avenger. Now, could you give us some privacy? Can we just continue this meeting tomorrow or even later?"

"Alright, fine, but only if the next meeting won't get disturbed." he replied, glancing over at the girl, who was stunned and lost for words. This wasn't how she pictured it to be.

After a few minutes of silence, the secretary left the compound and the Avengers (including Y/n of course) went together into the living area where they spreaded out on couches, armchairs, and even the rug.

Nat's POV:

'Y/n was awake! My Детка was finally awake.' I thought to myself.

I don't know what the nickname means but «your»? Are you a parental figure now?
I heard Wanda say in my head.

'Can you stop reading my mind?' I asked her in my mind. She just snickered.

When we arrived in the living area everybody spread out and I saw Y/n searching for a spot, so I went over to her, bent over and quietly whispered in her ear:

"Shall I help you get on the couch behind me?"

"Yes please. This wheelchair isn't the most comfortable thing I've sit on. But if I sit there, where will you sit?" she replied.

"Would you mind?" I asked gesturing to my lap.

When she realized what I meant, she slightly blushed and hesitantly shook her head. I smirked and picked her up by her armpits from the behind, sitting down and placing her on my lap.

Looking around the room, we received some looks, but I didn't mind. Quite the contrary ;)

Y/n POV:

I was actually sitting on Ms Romanoff's lap. She really seemed to desire being a mother... That gave me an idea, how I could tease her, after she straight up embarassed me in front of everyone. I'll just keep on calling her Ms Romanoff how I had been doing the whole time.

Though I had to do that somewhen else, as I again was flooded with questions.

"C-Can't Wanda just read my mind and answer your questions afterwards? My throat is dry and hurts when I speak."

Everybody seemed to be okay with it and Wanda stepped closer to us holding her hands close to my head. Red sparks started to surround them and I closed my eyes.

I felt Ms Romanoff's arms tighten around my waist, as if she was hugging me, probably trying to keep me calm. I gotta admit, it worked. Wanda made me re-live each moment I remember since I had collapsed. I couldn't believe that a whole month passed. I also had some memories where I was talked to in my coma, which I didn't comprehend before.

When Wanda was done, she signalled me by talking into my head.

I'm done. Is there anything you need? A glass of water and a meal perhaps? You must be starving.

'Water will do, though I suppose I'm not as hungry as you seem to think I am. But I must say, I'm really thirsty.'

And with that I opened my eyes. Wanda had already left to get me water while she had been talking to me in my head. For some reason I felt very drained, so I leaned back into Ms Romanoff and stared into the distance and began to daydream.

'What would a perfect life here look like? Without all those bad guys ruining everything...
Why am I imagining things? I know what's going to happen in the near future. I'm not fond of it. Maybe I could change it again and stop the split-up? Ugh, why does everything have to be so hard?'

People were talking in the backround, but I didn't care. All I wanted was peace. I was so lost in my thoughts, that I didn't notice Wanda coming back, trying to hand me the water. When she realized that I didn't respond, she told Ms Romanoff about it, who squeezed my thigh, which my head shot up to. I blushed again and was really annoyed.

I took the water gratefully and drank it all in one, returning it to Wanda right after. I'll get revenge on Ms Romanoff for that. I just need an idea on how.

Nat's POV:

Wanda returned to her seat and told the others to ask questions about Y/n. I didn't have any I needed answered, so I offered to take Y/n to bed, as she had to get some rest. She seemed so embarrassed about it, I smirked again. Since she shouldn't wander off again, I picked her up bridal style leaving the wheelchair in the living area and brought her to my room.

"Why aren't you bringing me to my room? Don't I have one?" she curiously asked me. Her voice sounded much better than before.

"You do have a room, but I bring you to mine because I want to be there and I don't want you to be alone in your room now."

In my room, I gently layed her on my bed and got sweatpants and a hoodie out of my closet, laying them onto the edge of the bed. "Would you rather shower or have a bath?" I asked her.

"Depends if I can stand or not" she said sitting up on the bed.

I went to her and stabilized her while she slowly stood up. I walked her to the bathroom where I slightly let go and she immediately fell through her legs. I catched her before she hit the ground and slowly sat her down. I then told her that a bath was a better idea. She didn't seem so happy about that.

I would continue in this chapter if it wouldn't have gotten so long. Over 1.1k words. I try to keep the words per chapter between 900 and 1.1k, so this is a bit longer. Do you have any ideas for other stories?

Wrong Universe (Avengers x Reader)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz