32. Could Toru be a pet?

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Tegnuk's perspective:

After eating and cleaning up, Ri went to continue reviewing the guide he had sent, along with Tonuk.

Meanwhile, he stayed in the room to finish up organizing dates, years in advance for some because of just how long it takes for some to finish their training and get their place ready.

While working on this, he got startled by Toru pulling on his fur lightly due to being too focused.

He saw it start doing a lot of weird movements, but he finally understood what it meant when it wringed out its hair, splashing some water on the floor.

He wondered how its hair got so wet, though he had seen in the cameras that after physical activity it releases water, so it could be something like that.

Still, he was a bit surprised at the fact that Toru was asking him for help, especially with just how uncomfortable it looked around him before.

He grabbed a cloth from the kitchen, but when he walked back, he again, got startled by Toru being there, realizing that they still hadn't taught it not to go there like all the Turo's.

After realizing this, he noticed that the sink had a ton of water splashed all around it on the countertop. which let him realize what had actually happened.

He managed to get Toru out of the room and closed the door, not wanting it to find anything dangerous that it could hurt itself with.

When he looked back Toru was asking for the cloth, which he then gave.

He went back to clean up all the water to avoid it freezing later on, meanwhile he was thinking about Toru.

He was wondering how exactly something evolved to look exactly like a Tonovo baby, but he then realized that Toru knew how to use a cloth to dry itself.

He was confused as to how it could do that, but chalked it up to its planet maybe having a plant or something else, similar to a cloth, though he also wondered it this could work as proof of it being a pet.

After cleaning up, he walked out, making sure to close the door.

He saw Toru up on his desk, where he had left an open ink vial, to which he rushed to avoid having it spilled all over the schedule.

Thankfully it wasn't spilled, and a quick check on Toru's fingers confirmed it hadn't used the ink, although it had moved some things on the schedule.

He sat down, mostly relieved as it was easily fixable, but before working, he started thinking out loud on wether he should take Toru off the desk.

After a bit of debating, he decided that it was probably fine, since it seemed calm and hadn't done anything bad yet.

After a while of writing, he started wondering why it was so focused when he was writing, mostly on how it could be useful for its evolution.

He wondered if this could also work as proof for it being a pet, since maybe it could have been domesticated to just look cute and be interested in what its owner does, basically to just accompany.

After finishing his work, he didn't have much else to do, so he decided to play around with the Turos, who he quickly saw were already playing around happily.

While tossing around the three different balls the Turos had decided to play with at once, he was wondering about how a new third sentient species could look like.

Based on that Toru had a couple weird characteristics, like its long hair on the top of its head and its red lips, maybe it could be evidence that he was made for looks.

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