20. A good scare

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Tonuk's perspective:

He woke up to Toru squirming around, slowly opening his eyes only to see it ruffling the fur on his hand, which he assumed was its way of cleaning.

It was kind of weird, since it seemed to only clean one specific spot, which gave him the idea that maybe it has a very good sense of smell like Ri, since maybe, that spot in specific smelled weird for some reason.

Though he would have to ask Ri for help testing this out, since for now he wanted to help Toru untangle its hair, remembering its reaction when seeing itself in the mirror.

And so, he helped Toru off the couch, doing so quickly as he remembered it didn't like being carried, and guided Toru to the washing room, picking up the bag with its things.

Once there, he made sure that Toru was aware of what he was doing, or at least just of the fact that he was going to put gel on its hair.

Toru seemed to understand quite quickly what the gel was for and took over the task of untangling, until the gel started drying off.

The good thing about it was that this gel, along with helping untangle, picked up dirt and other grime sticking to it and collects it in clumps which can slide off of hair quite easily.

He threw the little clumps of gel over to the shower area, where they slid off into the drain.

And so, Toru finally had clean hair, which it seemed to really appreciate, passing its fingers through its hair and yapping quite a bit.

Glad at having made Toru happy

Happy at seeing Toru glad, he went back into the living room with Ri, who was just ending a chat with Gint, the researcher from before.

He sat with Ri, saying hi to Gint as they chatted for a little bit before having to say goodbye, as he was busy with more work.

He noticed that Toru got up on the couch and was making more, completely random noises.

Tonuk- "It's so adorable how Toru just makes so many different noises!
What do you think it means?" -He asked Ri

Ri-"Yeah, though, its not that many really; well, I mean, yeah its a lot, but it's mostly just in different tones right?

Tonuk- "Well, you hear things differently than me, so...

No idea"

Ri- "What do you think it's meant to do?
Like, what's the use of yapping so much?
Evolutionarily I mean, like, for now I guess maybe its meant to show feeling safe?
Since it only does it while we're with it, plus it's pretty loud, so it would only happen when feeling safe"

Tonuk- "Also, it could be maybe mimicking someone talking since..." -Tonuk froze up, remembering that Toru has another name- "Right, I didn't tell you that.

So, turns out, Toru already seems to have a name, so, I was teaching it some more words, and it pointed to itself and started repeating some noises, so maybe it was a pet"

Ri froze up for a moment, a bit stunned at the new information, deciding to distract Toru wkth a new toy while he processed for a moment.

Ri- "How, how did you forget to mention this?
This thing could be evidence, of the 3rd sentient civilization in history"

Tonuk- "Yeah, I know, its just that I got a bit distracted, and you know...


Ri- "Welp, I guess that, hopefully the goverment or something still lets us be with Toru when they bring researchers over.

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