15. Recovering from the lamp

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Sean's perspective:

Sean woke up again to being moved around, he didn't even know where to, since he didn't want to even open his eyes, the light was already shining through his eyelids, making his headache worse.

All he knew was that the blanket was gone and he got put what felt like another bean bag bed thing, which he appreciated, since at least the two aliens weren't bothering him.

He was still a bit warm from before but it got to a level where it was comfortable again, somehow.

The cold air was removing the warmth, but the spot where he was laying on was warming up, which he appreciated

The headache eventually mostly went away, letting Sean sleep better, stretching out to take in the heat some more struggling quite a bit for some reason, but he likedthe soft texture of the new bed/pillow/whatever.

He eventually decided that he was well rested, finally opening his eyes only to see Tonuk tapping its wrist, directly behind him.

Sean froze up, realizing he had been sleeping on top of the massive alien.

Tonuk looked down at him, giving him a slow blink, but, Sean was just weirded out, proceeding to try to jump off of Tonuk.

His muscles failed him, leading to him tripping and slowly falling towards the floor.

Tonuk managed to catch him in the air, to which Sean freaked out even more, feeling the alien's claws against his skin.

Sean tried escaping Tonuk, but for some reason his muscles just weren't really working, even with the low gravity, he felt weak.

Eventually he gave up, as Tonuk put him back on top of itself, he wasn't able to leave Tonuk's grasp, so he resorted to curling up into a ball, angry.

His headache came back, as Tonuk and Ri started talking, and though he could try listening in, he decided to just cover his ears, as the sound made his headache even worse again.

Eventually he got picked up again, but thankfully they just put him in another blanket which blocked the light, though it also immobilized him until they let him back into the room he stayed at.

There, he heard someone moving around the room, until he felt the heat from before again, though it was back to a normal temperature.

He waited inside the blanket for a while, taking in the warmth, sleeping soundly for a while.


He woke up again, feeling at least mostly normal, though he didn't know for how long he slept, but he did notice more food, so it was probably a while.

He moved around, trying to get blood flow to his muscles, it kind of worked, so he continued, jumping around, doing push-ups, etc.

This worked and he was finally feeling normal, so he ate everything that the two aliens had left him, having finally worked up some hunger.

He continued walking around the room, eventually finding some more things hidden behind the lamp, along with the fluffy jumpsuit from before, which he put on, not wanting to feel cold again.

He inspected the new objects, a ball the size of his head, some very thick and long rope and a wooden box.

He decided to just play around with the ball, bouncing it on the wall so it came back to him, bored again just seeing the ball come back slowly from the stupidly low gravity.

This made him remember that he should exercise, remembering how bone decay happened in low gravity.

He walked over to the dumbells, that were for some reason still there and started doing exercise (leg day) 

Captured by aliens (It was his own fault)Where stories live. Discover now