2. Out of this world (literally)

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Sean watched in horror as Earth slowly became a dot, only to then dissappear, trying to convince himself this was, in fact, a movie prop thing, like a prank channel, though that thought was interrupted by the doors opening back up again and a feeling of weightlessness, like he was much lighter than before, not 0g, but definitely lighter.

He tried getting his mind off the fact that Earth was nowhere near and that he was definitely in space now, by just exploring the ship he was probably going to die in.

He got out of the room, almost hopping thanks to the low gravity, before looking for more rooms to explore, he didn't have to look for long though.

He entered a room with a longer than average table, which he got up on, not needing a chair this time, where he noticed circular markings in front on where the chairs were, after walking around, he heard a loud bell-like sound.

The circles opened up to show some plates with some smelly brown substances, they didn't smell bad, just a lot, along with it, some beakers, erlenmeyer ones, came up as well with what Sean confirmed to be water after a very thirsty sip.

He figured that the weird semi liquid things were probably food, though he was willing to wait until later to have to confirm that, so he went out exploring again.

Sean remembered how he was leaving behind everything on Earth and sat down on the floor, he looked around and decided that he might as well just enjoy his last days alive, wiping away some small tears on his face.

Sean started to get sleepy and, after remembering the bean bag beds, he went back to them, drifting off into sleep after lightly sinking into one.

He woke up to a horrible ringing noise, that sounded a bit too close to someone screaming on and off, after fully waking up, he noticed that there were lights moving on the floor, which lead him back into the room with the window.

The voice came up again as Sean looked through the window, only to see a horrible sight, they were moving towards a gray and brown planet.

Sean couldn't look away from the incredible sight until he realized they were entering the atmosphere, at which point an insane amount of turbulence and shaking came upon him.

He was bassically thrown around the room for a couple seconds before managing to get on a chair, which he grabbed onto for dear life, litterally.

The vibrations and horrible noises only got worse, as the ship suddenly crashed, sending Sean flying through the room and landing on a wall, on his left arm, with an awful crunch.

Sean felt horrible pain, he often was in quite a bit of pain from Matt's beatings, but he hadn't broken a bone ever.

Thankfully, after a very long slide through the floor, the ship finally stopped, at which point, Sean got up, only being able to do so thanks to the even lower gravity in this planet.

He walked around holding his arm, looking for something to splint it, until he noticed the door that he went into the ship from, he looked outside, smelling a weird smelling air, like everything was wet.

That thought was quickly forgotten as he noticed three massive aliens running towards the ship, they had horns, long snout-like faces, like a goat or something and to his dismay, what looked like weapons and armor.

He ran back, looking for a place to hide, though there really was nowhere to do so, so he settled for hiding underneath the bean bags, which he managed to easily lift now.

He heard claws tapping across the floor periodically for what felt like an eternity, but after a while, he heard them come into the bedroom, Sean held his breath, hearing his own heart beating.

He heard claws walking away from the room, at which point he took the biggest breath he had ever taken.

This was a mistake, as he heard the door close and he felt the bean bag getting lifted from him, he hid into the corner as he saw one of the aliens approaching him.

Sean screamed loudly as the massive alien reached for him, the alien screamed back and pulled back, before lunging for him, pinning Sean to the floor, Sean struggled for a while, but the pain from his arm was too much and, combined with the fear from the aliens and exhaustion from not sleeping a lot, he passed out.

Captured by aliens (It was his own fault)Where stories live. Discover now