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In the dimly lit room of Bélmez de la Moraleda, the group prepared for a dual Estase session. Sam and Brielle each wore headphones connected to the spirit box, with Colby asking questions in English. Hazel took on the role of translator, ensuring the spirits could understand the questions and the responses could be comprehended by all.

Colby, intrigued, began, "Can you tell us your name?"

Hazel translated the question into Spanish, and both Sam and Brielle replied simultaneously with short words in Spanish. Hazel, then, translated their responses for Colby.

Colby continued to ask questions, and the spirit box echoed with the voices of Sam and Brielle responding in Spanish. As the session progressed, it started to paint a vivid picture of the events that transpired in the haunted house.

Colby inquired, "How did the lady in blue die?"

Hazel translated, and Sam and Brielle, almost in unison, responded, revealing that the lady in blue had sacrificed herself to save the children from a fire that broke out in the house.

The group listened intently as the spirit box continued to unravel the mysteries of Bélmez de la Moraleda. Colby asked about the supposed demon living in the basement and its connection to the tragic fire.

Hazel translated the Spanish words, and the chilling response indicated that the demon was indeed present in the basement and had played a sinister role in causing the fire.

Colby, fascinated and a bit unnerved, asked, "Why are you still here?"

The spirit box crackled, and the translated response hinted at unfinished business and a lingering connection to the tragedy.

Hazel, translating for Colby, said, "It seems like they have unfinished business, a connection to the tragic events that occurred here."

As the dual Estase session concluded, Colby tapped on Sam and Brielle's shoulders to bring them back from their trance-like state. Excitement sparkled in Colby's eyes as he explained everything he had gathered from the spirit box session to Sam and Brielle.

Brielle expressed, "Wow, this is far more interesting!"

Hazel, maintaining her skeptical stance, scoffed, "Pfft, yeah, right."

Brielle playfully nudged Hazel, saying, "Oh, come on, Hazel, let's try ghost hunting for once."

Hazel sighed, relenting, "Yeah, yeah, sure."

Sam, addressing the unseen spirits, said, "Well, thank you for talking with us. You're not allowed to follow us home." The group then left the haunted house.

The guide awaited them outside, asking, "Had fun?"

Colby enthusiastically replied, "Hell yeah!" Sam handed the keys back to the guide, signaling the end of their exploration.

Before entering their cars, Sam mentioned, "It was nice to meet you two. We have to part ways now."

Brielle, with a hint of disappointment, said, "Aww, do we really have to? We can at least share numbers to stay in touch."

Sam agreed, "Sure, why not?" Brielle entered her and Hazel's numbers into Sam's phone, while she also took Colby's phone to enter their contact information.

Both duos entered their respective cars and started driving, coincidentally on the same road. Sam, feeling a bit suspicious, stopped the car in the middle of the road and got out, questioning, "Are you two actually not stalkers?"

Brielle laughed, "Hell no! We're going to our hotel."

Colby chimed in, "Don't you live here?"

Hazel clarified, "We live in Spain, but not here. Our house is 12 hours away."

Sam chuckled, "Well, awkward..." The group then continued to drive to their hotel.

Upon arriving at the hotel, Brielle suggested, "Since we coincidentally are staying in the same hotel, and I suppose you two are also here to visit other local places, why not tag along with us, right, Hazel?"

Hazel, somewhat reluctantly, said, "Yeah, sure, I guess."

Colby, feeling the fatigue from the paranormal adventure, yawned and suggested, "Can we go sleep, please?"

Sam agreed, "Alright, me and Colby will go back to our room. See you in the morning, guys."

Hazel replied, "Yeah, see you." As they parted ways, Colby shot a glance at Hazel, and she couldn't help but notice.

Hazel and Brielle also made their way to their hotel room. On the way, Hazel began chuckling, catching Brielle's attention. Brielle inquired, "Who got you smiling like that?"

Hazel smirked, "Oh, nothing. Just laughing at what happened when I saw that emo guy, uh, what was his name... Colby. Yeah, Colby. When I saw him after the door opened, I actually thought there was a ghost."

Brielle laughed, saying, "Well, you two were looking funny."
Once Sam and Colby entered their hotel suite, Sam couldn't resist the comfort of the bed and jumped onto it, laying down. Colby, opting for the couch, opened Instagram, and a smile spread across his face. Sam, catching on to Colby's amusement, asked, "What's up?"

Colby, holding up his phone, showed Sam a post by Hazel. Sam teased, "Already stalking them? Classic."

Colby defended himself, "I'm not stalking. I'm just going through their social media. Plus, the videos are actually funny."

Sam chuckled, "But you don't understand Spanish. Who are you even laughing at?"

Colby laughed, "They're wearing the chicken costume. Why won't I laugh?"

Sam conceded, "Alright, fair enough. Now get some sleep. The night was long, and we have to visit the local shops tomorrow."

Colby agreed, "Alright, goodnight, man." He soon fell asleep on the couch.

Sam, not ready to sleep just yet, opened his phone and decided to send Brielle a text. "Hey! Can't wait for tomorrow. Good night."

To his surprise, Brielle quickly replied, "Good night, blonde unicorn! See you tomorrow."

Sam chuckled at the playful message and texted back, "Good night." As he closed his phone, he couldn't help but think that Brielle was like a sunshine—bright and full of energy. With that, Sam settled into bed, thoughts of the night's adventures and the promising day ahead filling his mind. Eventually, with a content smile, he drifted off to sleep, leaving behind the mysteries of Bélmez de la Moraleda and anticipating the new friendships that awaited them in the light of the morning.

COINCIDENCE? ft. Sam and ColbyWhere stories live. Discover now