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Sam and Colby stepped off the plane onto Spanish soil, their excitement palpable as they chatted animatedly about their plans for the paranormal video they were set to record in Spain.

"Man, can you believe we're finally here?" Colby exclaimed, his eyes wide with anticipation.

Sam grinned, replying, "I know, right? Spain is going to be epic for our videos. Just imagine the haunted places we'll explore."

As they exited the airport, a friendly cab driver approached them, speaking in Spanish, "¡Bienvenidos a España! ¿A dónde puedo llevar a ustedes, personas encantadoras?" (Welcome to Spain! Where can I take you two lovely people?)

Sam, surprising Colby, responded confidently in Spanish, "Por favor, llévanos a este hotel." (Please take us to this hotel.) He showed the driver the address on his phone.

Colby looked at Sam in disbelief, "Bro, I didn't know you could speak Spanish?"

Sam chuckled, "Well, I know the basics. This is the only language I'll give school credit for teaching me."

Colby laughed, shaking his head, "Fair enough."

Turning to the driver, Colby asked, "Can you speak English?"

The driver nodded, "Yes, a little."

As they drove, the driver engaged them in conversation, occasionally using Spanish terms that left Colby looking at Sam for an explanation.

"So, you guys here for vacation?" the driver inquired.

Sam answered, "You can say that."

He chatted animatedly, occasionally throwing in Spanish terms. Colby shot Sam a puzzled look.

Sam translated with a smirk, "He's saying there's a bar and a romantic café you can check out."

Colby asked, "And why would we go there?"

The driver, assuming a misconception, said in broken English, "Oh, aren't you couples? Well, I don't judge gay people."

Colby, caught off guard, choked on his water. Sam quickly patted his back, saying, "Yeah, we're not a couple. We came for work purposes."

Apologizing, the driver said, "Sorry, since your friend was leaning too close to your ears, I thought... Oh, I'm sorry, I think I've watched too many gay dramas."

Colby laughed uncomfortably, while Sam reassured the driver, "No worries. We get that a lot."

The driver, still trying to make amends, suggested, "You should still go there; it's a fun place. You might enjoy yourselves or find a date, who knows."

"We'll keep that in mind. Thanks," Sam replied, bringing an end to their quirky exchange.

After some time, the driver dropped them off at their hotel, a quaint building with Spanish charm. They thanked the driver, who wished them a fantastic stay, Sam and Colby stepped out, Sam couldn't help but comment, "Well, that was an interesting conversation with the cab driver."

Colby replied with a chuckle, "Yeah..."

Trying to lighten the mood, Sam grinned, "He's just like our fandom who ships us both. Haha."

Colby smirked, "I mean, that's true. Okay, let's check in before things get more awkward."

They entered the hotel, and the receptionist greeted them warmly. Sam informed her, "We booked a suite under the name Golbach."

The receptionist nodded, retrieving the keys, "Yes, here you go." She handed the keys to Sam.

Colby interjected, "I'll sleep on the bed; you can take the couch."

COINCIDENCE? ft. Sam and ColbyWhere stories live. Discover now