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The car pulled into the parking space, and the door swung open to reveal two intriguing individuals. A girl with pastel medium hair, green eyed, clad in a cute hoodie, hopped out with excitement evident in her eyes. From the driver's seat emerged a girl with a chic/historian personality, short hair with purple highlights,hazel eyes, and an array of tattoos adorning her arms. Looked friendly at the same time emo-looking, you know when you see someone for the first time and think they are emo? Yah exactly that. She casting occasional glances in Brielle's direction.

The tour guide, Greg, greeted them in Spanish, "Brielle and Hazel?"

Brielle, the girl with pastel hair, replied in Spanish, "Yes, I'm Brielle, and this is Hazel."

Greg explained in Spanish how both groups would be exploring together. Brielle simply nodded in acknowledgment, "Alright."

"Feel free to talk; I'll get some things from the back before we start the tour," Greg said, giving them a moment.

As Greg walked away, Brielle turned to Sam, "Hi, nice to meet you."

Sam grinned, "Me too! Cute hoodie!"

"Thank you. And this is my best friend, Hazel," Brielle introduced.

Hazel greeted with a curt, "Hello."

Brielle leaned in and whispered to Sam, "Actually, my best friend is angry at me, that's why she's grumpy."

Sam raised an eyebrow, "Why so?"

Brielle chuckled, "Because I threw her favorite food in the morning."

Sam couldn't help but laugh, "Well, this is my best friend, Colby."

Colby awkwardly waved and mumbled a shy "hi."

Hazel said something in Spanish, to which Brielle responded, "Alright, we'll be back in two minutes, Sam." The girls left to retrieve their camera, leaving Sam and Colby to their own devices.

Noticing the intense glares from Hazel, Sam suggested to Colby, "They have a camera; they're also recording."

Colby nodded, "Yeah, maybe now let's stay quiet so they can record their intro. That Hazel girl is giving us death stares."

Hazel took a deep breath as she began addressing the camera in Spanish, "Hola, mi gente encantadora. Soy Hazel y esta es Brielle." (Hello, my lovely people. I'm Hazel, and this is Brielle.) Brielle continued, "Y hoy estamos explorando Bélmez de la Moraleda." (And today, we are exploring Bélmez de la Moraleda.)

As Brielle explained the story to the camera in Spanish, Colby leaned over to Sam and whispered, "What are they saying?"

Sam, with a grin, translated, "They are explaining the story of this place."

Colby nodded, "Cool."

Once the girls finished recording their intro, they closed the camera. Hazel, looking sincere, took a deep breath and said, "I probably came off as rude earlier, but hi, I'm Hazel, and we are Spanish explorers. We make YouTube videos. And you?"

Colby looked at Hazel and replied, "Oh, we're YouTubers too."

Brielle chimed in, "Oh, what's the name of the channel?"

Sam proudly stated, "The channel name is Sam and Colby."

Brielle quickly searched it up and exclaimed, "Oh, wow! You guys have 11 million subscribers. Congratulations!"

Hazel smiled and added, "That's impressive, guys."

Colby, curious, asked, "What's your guys' channel name?"

COINCIDENCE? ft. Sam and ColbyWhere stories live. Discover now