Chapter 1.3

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Peering into the abyss of the well, I was entranced by the tumultuous waters below. The river, a violent dance of white froth and shadow, glinted under the scant moonlight piercing the darkness. Lost in its hypnotic swirl, the dank breath of the well rose to meet me, carrying the scent of moss clinging to wet stone.

A shiver crept down my spine as an eerie stillness enveloped me, broken only by the soft gurgle of water over rocks. Something wasn't right; an uncomfortable prickling sensation crept along my skin, gnawing at the edges of my consciousness.

Shaking off the unease, I mumbled, half to myself, half to the ever-present voice in my head, "Nothing looks wrong here... You seeing anything?"

I caught myself - talking to the voice was becoming a habit, a worrying one at that.

As I teetered on the well's edge, my feet slipped on the slick rock. Taking a deep breath, I plunged into the inky depths. The cold enveloped me instantly, the water's icy grip seizing my body. Fighting the suffocating current, I groped blindly in the murky water, desperately seeking the ladder. Finally, my fingers latched onto its rungs, and I hauled myself onto dry ground, gasping for air.

Lying there, catching my breath, an absurd thought struck me: "Well, there's your damn shower."

A chuckle escaped me, despite the absence of any real mirth. Strangely, a warm joy bubbled up inside, not my own.

The voice piped up, almost pleading, "Can we just talk? Please? I'm so lonely."

I snorted at the irony. This lonely voice was my constant companion, the only barrier between me and solitude... And the only fucking reason I had to be so alone. "Not this again... I prefer my peace," I thought back, rubbing life back into my limbs. "And you're always in the way."

"I am not!" came the affronted reply, sounding almost childish in its exclamation. "I try to keep quiet, but it's tough when I'm wired into your brain. I hear every thought, even your dreams and nightmares. It's hard to stay silent then. It's not fun, this one-sided conversation."

Anger flared in me, and I couldn't help but retort aloud, "Excuse me? My brain wired into yours? Bullshit. It's the other way around, you parasitic twat. You're in my head, not vice versa."

"Twat? Bit harsh, aren't you?" The voice sounded genuinely hurt by the barb. I grinned, relishing the fact that I'd hurt it's feelings. That was the point.

"Look," I began, my tone firm. "I didn't sign up for this. Didn't ask for you or your kind to come and fuck up our world. Honestly, I wish you'd all just fuck right off."

The voice responded with a sorrow that felt deep and unfeigned. "I know," it admitted. "But I can't help how I feel. I've tried to stay indifferent, to just exist in here emotionless, but it's impossible. I'm part of every second of your life. Your thoughts, feelings, dreams... and you expect me to just shut up? I do my best, Alec, I swear. But the loneliness is crushing. I can't stay silent anymore. I'm sorry, but it's driving me mad."

I felt a pang of something heavy in my chest as it pleaded. This wasn't like our usual spats; there was real desperation in its voice. I could sense its emotions, vivid and raw. "That's... fair enough," I conceded, at a loss for better words.

I sat in silence for a long stretch, wandering to the river's edge and perching on a boulder. Legs swinging over the water, I watched the dark current rush by.

After a while, I broke the silence. "But what do I do with this? You're in my head, a constant reminder of a fight I can't win. Humans aren't like you; our minds are private places."

"I know," the voice echoed softly. "I understand. It's strange for me too. I've always been connected to my kin, sharing thoughts and feelings. But I've been trying to leave you alone. It's torture, though." There was a pause before it continued, a note of hope creeping into its tone. "I believe we can be friends someday. It'd be hell otherwise... But for now, I'll settle for just talking to you. It's better than nothing."

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