Chapter 14. Gifting Someone A Second Chance

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Diane was drinking tea in her rooms when a servant brought her a letter. She knew who it was from even before she opened it. She would recognize the Dragontemple mark anywhere.

'Hi,' Diane said, making Haisa look up from whatever she was reading at her desk. 'Busy?'

'For you, no. What's the matter, dearest?' Haisa asked, getting up.

'I got the letter from Dragontemple. There are remedies I need, but I'm not sure I'm skilled enough to make them. Could you?' Diane approached the woman and handed her the letter.

Haise looked through the letter. 'Battle Curse...' she said, and then her eyes snapped at Diane. 'Oh Gods, are you.. '

'No! No, no, that's not for me. And not for my father either,' Diane rushed to assure her. 'It's for... a person I know. Have you dealt with it?'

'A few times. And dealt with is too much of a word. I tried things I knew about but... not that,' Haisa reread some passages.

'Maesters here don't know about how to treat it either,' Diane said thoughtfully. 'I thought this was a common practice.'

'I assure you, it is not,' the woman checked the seal of the letter. 'Dragontemple... it appears, they have their own secrets, huh?'

'I do not think it is much of a secret if I'm honest. If it was, Kaerinna wouldn't have written it in a letter. She might have a soft spot for me, but she is devoted to the Old Gods. She would rather die than betray her faith.'

'Then why does no one else know about it? And when I say "no one else", I mean it, Diane. I didn't travel a lot in my life but I keep an ear out for new remedies and practices. If there was an effective way to treat the Battle Curse, I would have known about it.'

'Dragonstone is not exactly a popular place,' Diane said, and, considering that even Viserys hadn't known Dragontemple existed, it was an understatement. 'Maybe, they tried to tell the world but no one listened?'

'May- may I write it down? For myself, in case I ever need it,' Haisa asked.

'Yes. Yes, of course, be my guest. But what about the remedies? Can you make them?'

'Give me a few hours. And if you give me more details on how much the Battle Curse progressed for your mysterious person, I think I can come up with a treatment plan from this letter alone. Gods, this is incredible. I should write to Kaerinna as well,' Haisa said and sat back on the chair, immediately starting to write something. 'Just imagine how much knowledge they might have that we don't!'

'I think it's a good idea,' Diane smiled, loving to see Haisa so excited. After all, nuns and monks of Dragontemple were never keen on gatekeeping knowledge. They would happily share if someone was truly interested in listening.


Rhaenyra giggled, pulling Daemon on top of her. She couldn't believe other women had tried to persuade her that having sex with your husband was a duty and not something enjoyable. Of course, Daemon wasn't her husband just yet and he very annoyingly still refused to put his dick inside of her, but Rhaenyra came to the conclusion that their bedroom fun should be defined as having sex. And sex was fun!

Rhaenyra realized that not everyone was as fortunate as she was with Daemon, but she believed that "the woman enjoying herself in bed" should be the norm and not an exception. After all, as Diane wisely proclaimed the last time they had gotten drunk together, life is too short for bad sex and cheap wine. And, for some reason, fried dorado, but Rhaenyra was too drunk herself to question her.

Daemon kissed her, and Rhaenyra threw one of her legs around his waist, pushing him even closer and making him moan. He was hard, and she could feel it even through the layers of their clothing. Which, by the way...

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